Here is a picture of the moon taken at 5.23am on the 23rd June 2024 - Perth Western Australia

I never managed to get a full moon shot yesterday because clouds intervened in my attempt.
Here is a Waning Gibbous Moon at 98.9% of fullness.

Is that an atmosphere visible around the circumference of this Gibbous Moon :thinking: :smiley:


Ah, don’t we wish it was indeed an atmosphere! The moon has a paltry ten metric tons of atmosphere (about the weight of a large hippo), while Earth is something like 4 quadrillion tons. Amazing, don’t you think! I think that color it lateral coloring, but I kind of like the amber effect.

Just lovely. What is it about looking at the moon? I guess it’s that we can’t help but have a sense of wonder every time we look at it.


I remember the wonder I had in 1969 watching the moon landing.
One thought that I always remember from that day; How will they get back? :grinning:


When I was a child I thought that I could see a face on the moon, I would look at it for ages, it was probably craters and my childish imagination.
I remember watching the moon landing in 1969 too Bretrick - I think it was one of those events in life that you can always remember where you were at the time.


I watched it at school on a small black and white TV set.
Might have been about lunchtime in Tasmania.


I was married and clearing out the airing cupboard when it happened, my husband called me down to watch it on our black and white TV too. Almost a lifetime ago :grinning:


I watched it while I was working at the PO Tower in London carrying the broadcast images. I have a picture of the monitor showing the capsules splash down in the Pacific somewhere.

During Apollo 13 rescue mission we had to turn off some of our transmitters because they interfered with the lunar modules radio when it was near the horizon.

When I was even younger I helped set up the link for the first live transatlantic broadcast via Telstar. I was an apprentice at the radio station at Tolsford Hill which was the UK end of the Eurovision link to Lille in France. The BBC degraded the perfect picture we had achieved because they feared people wouldn’t believe it had come by satellite across the Atlantic.

The broadcast could only last about 15 minutes because Telstar was not geo stationary over the Atlantic.


Great experiences and memories from a lifetime ago :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m afraid I was 19 at the time of the moon landings and was more interested in girls and fast cars…I think someone mentioned that something was happening out in space… :017:
Or was it a film studio somewhere…?


I watched the Moon landing on TV

There’s a lad playing football on the moon


Yep:) see him :slight_smile:


Beautiful picture. Astronomy is the oldest science. Mankind has been watching the moon and stars ever since he’s been around.

It’s my favourite science, I studied it as part of my Physics degree :grinning:

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