Help Me Out Here! I'm doing a Survey on How Miserable/Happy Some are

To help me with my Dissertation, I looking for people to walk down their street, smiling broadly, at everyone whom they pass.

I’m testing a Theory that everyone you smile at will smile back!

You might want to add a grimace for the next group, to see if misery greets misery!

If I’m to gain my qualification, the answer will be that more than 70% of people (in the UK anyway) are happy Bunnies!

Fake smiles, or fake grimaces are not acceptable!

Any help will be appreciated.

Anyone sent to an assylum will be freed!

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The men in white coats will be round shortly .

They are, quite often, short and round!

I’m just popping out to do my test!

Cleaned my teeth first & put them back in!

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I am very careful who I smile at, I mean, if I walk down the street and smile at the men, of course on my behalf it would be an innocent smile,

I wonder if the men I smiled at, what they were thinking, …I would never smile at a man I don’t know!..:sweat_smile::rofl:…He May get the wrong idea.:open_mouth:

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I never thought of that, Pauline.

It might explain why so many just stretch their face and nod when we smile at them!

I’ve tried smiling at people,it scared them.


I like to walk in the dark, should i shine a torch on my smile/grimace

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No, your shiny teeth will show through!

It would ruddy scare me :rofl: Londoner here, what are you lot thinking? Please don’t go round smiling at strangers, it’s not normal :rofl:


It’s how you smile… that’s what counts!


Yes, must try not to look like a Crocodile!

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Spot on … pantomime season is nearly upon us , it’ll be up in the gods once again, post COVID :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s really not :scream:

There’s a new horror film out called Smile.

This is you lot …….



Us lot? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
That really does look a scary film.
Under different circumstances I’d seriously consider going to see it. However with with all that’s going at the moment, war, cost of food energy prices, Liz Truss etc I think I’ll just stick with the BBC news, I don’t think I could handle any more of the feel good factor. :wink:


Is it true that only Northerners smile & wave at passers by?

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Only to fellow Northerners.

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Aye. The further north you go, the greater the chance that the passer by is a relative. :wink:

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