
Hello Just found this forum it looks nice. I will have a good look round tonight.

:039: Hi and welcome, poppycock! Nice user name; hope you enjoy it here :smiley:

Hi! :039: nice to meet you - hope you enjoy the forum…

Hello Suzanna :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you.

Well hello neighbour - nice to meet you - I live in the next door county - Sunny Sussex!!!

Hello Poppycock, a very warm welcome to you.

Hi Poppycock, I’m new too. Love your name.:smiley:

Welcome poppycock, it’s always good to see new faces, enjoy the forum and hopefully I’ll see you around…:slight_smile:

Hi there…:039: I’m newish too.Hope you you have as much fun as I’m having…:smiley:

Hi poppycock welcome hope you enjoy the forum:039:

Welcome Suzanna, I hope you enjoy the forum and post soon.

Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it here.

Thanks you everyone for a very warm welcome

Hello Poppycock welcome to the forum, hope you like it here :slight_smile:

A big welcome from me to all recent additions to the forum, hope you enjoy it here, nice friendly place:-)

Hello…I think you’ll love it…:039:

Hello :039: nice to meet you-hope you enjoy the forum :slight_smile:

Hi poppycock, welcome to the forum!