Hello Peeps, Tis I wishbone

Oh Poo, now that’s told everyone who I am:o

Anywaysup, I am here in my professional capacity as a care co-ordinator and general clown. So if you need any advice or help caring for someone, dealing with hospitals etc etc, that’s me.
I can be serious about that… the rest of the time, just bear with me, coz eventually the tablets kick in and I quieten down.

I was warned you lot might measure me up for a Christmas sweater (by a cheeky whippersnapper on another forum) but 1. I can run fast if I see a measuring tape and 2. There isn’t enough wool for a sweater for me!

Nice to meet you all anyway:-)


Hi, good to see you have made it over to this side…

Hi Becky. Good to see you.

Yes, ‘this side’…that either sounds like Star Wars or Most Haunted. I think I’ll stick with the first option fank oo:-)

Shush Lynn! They’re not supposed to know who I am here!:lol:
That’s it, cover blown even more xx

Hey Becks - good to see you here :slight_smile:

And thanks for being there for people should they need your help :023:

What does your job entail Becks?

Hello and welcome!

Hello Becks :039: welcome!

You don’t play football, do you?:mrgreen:

My job entails me assessing people for care. Ie, if they don’t know what they want I can suggest a package to help meet all their need.

I then have to do a Moving and Handling Risk Assessment… to make sure it is safe for them and the carers.
There should be all the equipment in place if they’ve come home from hospital (ha ha), but if not I contact the local health care team to get it.

I write their care plan. I do all the programmes for all the carers, we have about 25 of them caring for about 100 people. making sure the right carers go to the right clients and don’t have to do too much travelling and have time to do all that is needed.

I also do hands on care myself when not in the office and have done for 10 years professionally, specialising in Palliative care (care of the dying).

Before that I used to care for my first husband who had MS. He had it for 11 years before he died in his 30’s, so was hoisted, had a catheter, colostomy, etc… and I had carers coming into my home 4 times a day, whilst havign a young son so I’ve been on both ends of the situation and know how frustrating that can be.

So I can try and help anyone who might need advice etc :slight_smile:

Fank oo Dinahsmum:-D

I did until I broke my metatarsal this summer, now I can tell people I will never play football professionally (or never have lol):mrgreen:

Hi Becky, and welcome you will have to come up to Woolpit and sort out that father in law of mine:-)

Dont think your cover is blown at all:lol::lol:


Oh @rse biscuits!

Don’t know what you mean Jeanette lol

Hello Becks :slight_smile: welcome .

Hello and welcome - good to see you here:)

Take care:)

Hi and welcome…

Hello Becky, . welcome to the forum, . . there’s a few in ward 10 here need your assistance. :lol:

Hi Becky, well you will always be young (Becks) to me :smiley: do pop in from time to time I always like reading your thoughts :slight_smile: how is the metarsal thingy BTW ? (For the benefit of other readers YB & I broke our legs at the same time :roll:)

Becks!!! helloooooooooooooooooo!! :mrgreen:

Ah yes, here are all my old patients coming out of the woodwork:mrgreen:

Hi everyone:039:

Hello :039: nice to meet you-hope you enjoy the forum :slight_smile: