Hello, my lovelies

All depends where they were looking when they said it.

oooh I say! Looking very smart, Besoeker!

Charlie Drake…Puckwudgie, released on 7inch vinyl around 1972.
Nobody else seems to remember it…even Alexa is telling me to pee off :frowning_face:

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Now I am a scruffy old git with a lovely dog.

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Fresh-ish From last week…frozen, still working through them all.

I am very grateful :pray:

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Lovely and scruffy the pair of you, and both are an absolute pleasure to know :hugs:

@Artangel, " I cringe"
Snob ! :grin::grin:


Any relation?

I can see the similarity but I’m not aware of a connection…:slight_smile:

They say it a lot around the south west .

Is this any closer?