Hello I'm a newbie at this

Just wanted to say hello :smiley:
I’m completely new to this & haven’t got a clue what I’m doing ,but hoping to pick it up quick and join in & chat with people :slight_smile:
J x

Hello Jasmine :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum, I hope you enjoy your time here with us.

Hopefully you will soon find your way around the site.

If you have any problems don’t be afraid to ask as we are here to help you. :slight_smile:

Welcome Jasmine.
It is a easy forum to navigate.
Some lovely posters too.

Hi Jasmine, welcome :slight_smile:
Don’t worry, none of us know why we are here or what we are doing.
Enjoy the forum :slight_smile:

Hi Jasmine…

Warm welcome to over 50 forum. Jump right in, the water’s warm…:smiley:

Hello Jasmine,

Welcome to the forum we are all very friendly on here.

Just scroll through the sites and get chatting with us.

Good morning Jasmine darlin’ and welcome.

Hi Jasmine. I’m hoping you might be Jasmine Harmann and can help me Escape to the Sun.

Hello Jasmine :slight_smile: welcome…

Welcome along jasmine

Hi I’m the same just come on here

Good morning Maxine darlin’ and welcome. By any chance are you this ‘Maxine’ ???


Hello and welcome Jasmine.

And from me Jasmine…welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome Maxine I’m a Leeds lass too…there are a few of us here :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone ~sorry for not posting or being back here sooner ….lots been going on work and home ,but thank you for the lovely welcome messages…

Welcome Jasmine.
Care to say something about yourself?

Hi Maxine

Welcome…although I feel a little ‘silly’ welcoming you to this site…as I’m also new. Started a few days ago.

So far everyone has been super great, non judgmental and interesting:))

Welcome Jasmine from another Devonian :slight_smile:

Hi Jasmine
None of us know what we’re doing either so you’ll fit right in .

Welcome … (dot,dot,dot)