Hello there just joined the forum to-day and looking forward to posting more.
James-Henry is the name
Hi James-Henry.
Welcome bud. What kind of music are you into?
I see in your profile you call yourself Henry, so if it is ok with you, may I say - welcome to the forum Henry.
I hope you make some new friends and find plenty of things of interest.
Hello there
Hi there.
I know we already met in the gardening department but welcome to the forum.
Hi Floydy–mostly jazz,big band,the Sinatra era–I can listen to most music-how about you?
Thanks for the welcome folks–yes we have met Longdogs --nice catching up with you again.
Hello and welcome from a recent re-joiner
I’m more into the classic rock era, J-H. But my tastes are quite eclectic
Hello James Henry welcome…
welcome sorry about droppin you in the dung back there!
Hello at last I was looking for your
Enjoy the forum Sweetie x
Welcome to the forum Henry, I am sure you will enjoy it here and the more you post the better we will get to know you.
Has anyone ever mentioned you look just like Dean Martin? Welcome Henry…
Welcome newbie.
I was THE new boy, but no longer.
Barry Dean Martin looks like me:-):-)
Hello Henry,
We promise not to go too hard on you, seeing as you are the new boy on the block.
Welcome to our forum.
hi JH a biiiig from me here in West Yorkshire
Hey there, Henry, welcome . I’m a new member here this month, and just getting to know my way around. Nice to meet you.