Hello from the North West

Hello there just joined the forum to-day and looking forward to posting more.
James-Henry is the name :wink:

Hi James-Henry.
Welcome bud. What kind of music are you into? :cool:

I see in your profile you call yourself Henry, so if it is ok with you, may I say - welcome to the forum Henry.

I hope you make some new friends and find plenty of things of interest. :slight_smile:

Hello there :039:

Hi there.

I know we already met in the gardening department but welcome to the forum.

Hi Floydy–mostly jazz,big band,the Sinatra era–I can listen to most music-how about you?

Thanks for the welcome folks–yes we have met Longdogs --nice catching up with you again.

:039:Hello and welcome from a recent re-joiner

I’m more into the classic rock era, J-H. But my tastes are quite eclectic :slight_smile:

Hello James Henry :slight_smile: welcome…

welcome sorry about droppin you in the dung back there!

Hello at last I was looking for your

Enjoy the forum Sweetie x

Welcome to the forum Henry, I am sure you will enjoy it here and the more you post the better we will get to know you.:slight_smile:

Has anyone ever mentioned you look just like Dean Martin? :lol: Welcome Henry…

Welcome newbie.

I was THE new boy, but no longer. :smiley:

Barry Dean Martin looks like me:-):-):slight_smile:

Hello Henry,

We promise not to go too hard on you, seeing as you are the new boy on the block.

Welcome to our forum.

hi JH a biiiig :039: from me here in West Yorkshire :smiley:

Hey there, Henry, welcome . I’m a new member here this month, and just getting to know my way around. Nice to meet you.:slight_smile:

Good morning Henry matey and welcome.

:lol::lol::lol: A Hole in the Bucke