Hello from me :)

Hi all,
I’m Shell and I live in Wales. I’m a dog lover and I absolutely HATE any abuse towards animals (I can’t even kill a flipping fly!) Anywho I hope to be joining in with some of the topics and having a good old chin wag!! Chat soon!!:-):041::arrow:

Hello Shell :slight_smile: a warm welcome to Over50sForum…

Hi shells68 and welcome, hope you enjoy your time on Over50sForum. :slight_smile:

Hello and welcome Shells.
I’m also a dog lover and have a 40kg big gentle beast.


Welcome from the South Pacific! Our dogs keep humans for pets!

:039: Hi and welcome to the madhouse.

WElcome from another part of the South Pacific. :slight_smile:

Hi ya Sheila. Welcome to the forum.

Hello Shell :slight_smile: welcome…

:039: Hello Shell and welcome to the forum.

Hi Shell, I am also new here and I am also a dog lover. I have had around 11 dogs with me from my childhood till now but after the last one passed away 2 years ago, I just could not bring myself together to get a new one.

Maybe I will again get a new puppy in the future.

Hello Henson and welcome to the nuthouse.:lol:

Thank you Percy

Hi Shell and Henson

Hope you enjoy your time here. This place is a nuthouse, I’m not one of the nuts though, I’m sane so you’ll be safe with me here. Mags & Meg keep 'em all in check so don’t worry haha.

On a serious note I too am a real animal and bird lover.

Enjoy the forum. x

Lion Queen x