Hello from Gloucestershire

Hi a new member trying to find my way around.
Love cooking, gardening and crafting. Have a good o/h two daughters and 5 grandchildren. Looking forward to chatting with you all.

Hello :039: just jump in …we’re a friendly bunch on here.

Welcome Indyjay
Make yourself at home :slight_smile:

Hello Sue :slight_smile: welcome…

Good afternoon Sue darlin’ and welcome.

Welcome, Sue have some cake.

Hello Sue :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum…

Hello Sue,

Welcome to our forum, we are a friendly bunch on here.
There are many subjects to choose from, so just jump in and start chatting to us.

Hello Indyjay. Lots of fun topics around here. I am new too still trying to find my way. Have a great day!

Jeez I’m sure I said welcome this morning

Must have still been sleeping

Welcome and I hope you enjoy this land of madness,escapism ,learning and everything else it brings

Thank you - looks delicious