G’day Plankton! Sorry I’m a bit late but we get up late here (or is it early) anyway most of this lot are asleep when I get online. Been to New York and Pittsburgh and a place called Monongahela. If you ever come this way be careful , there’s a lot of plankton eating whales here! Welcome!
Yes thats MLK. A lot of these songs, well I guess all of them, were slapped together fairly quickly with no real direction. Grab/create a drum track and improv over it then build from there. I had a lot of fun doing them though, trying to learn as I go. I still have a lot to learn too, but I’ve since hung up my guitars for disc golf to keep the atrophy from setting in. Keeps me moving.
Thank you! And no problem, I like to sleep in too. lol
Just looked that Mon place up. Looks like a very scenic route along the river. I haven’t been out east much, but places like that stir the ‘wanderlust’.
Whales usually spit me back out. I’m a little sour so I’m probably safe.
Aww, man you really hit the ‘hmm, maybe I should get back into it’ place in my noggin thats hiding in a dark corner.
A few years back I told my self, I said self: I’ll get back to it when my disc golf game falls apart and I can no longer keep a competitive edge, which isn’t far off.
Really though I just got burned out, but I do still pick up my Uke quite a bit. I usually play for my plants and fish in the morning before I leave for work. They haven’t complained yet.
That’s my favourite instrument. I saw your disc golf as well it’s on the same YT channel - that looks like fun. A modified frizbee.
You guys can really swing it into a distance
Some of the young guns can throw 400-500+ feet (122-152 meters). I can only strive for that, unrealistically. lol
The disc golf community is amazing with some outstanding people on and off the course. We had the Pro Tour come through my neck of the woods a couple of weeks ago (I was in attendance as a spectator), and the week before that, the shot that was heard around the world happened out in Utah:
That was his 3rd shot actually, and for the title of World Champion. If he’d have missed it, he’d have come in 2nd and no title so it was clutch for sure. It put disc golf firmly on the world stage. ESPN is airing full rounds now.
Thats a good question. I know Christin Tattar is from Estonia and Simon Lizotte is from Germany, and there’s a few others I can’t quite place right now, but it’s mostly competitors from the US. The sport started here in the US, thanks to Steady Ed Headrick, and has been mostly under the radar until recently so it’s not quite a world-wide known sport… yet. It’s gaining popularity though. Also, the purses for the winners are quite small in comparison to the PGA, so traveling from another country isn’t really cost effective even if you take 1st place every time. I don’t think a non-US player could justify it even with a sponsor supporting them, but some make it work with product placement and clinics.
Interesting links:
I’d say in a few years time, it’ll be filled with more players from around the world, and I know quite a few people are pushing for it to become an Olympic event.
A person can really collect a few things whilst traveling the road of life. I have 17 things with strings. The good ones don’t come out unless they’re needed.