Hello Everyone!

Just to say “hello all” another newbie here. Popped over from Dogsey…looks like a fun and friendly bunch on here too. :smiley:

You may (or may not) wonder about my username “Berxer”…well it is the name given to my breed of dog (Boxer/St. Bernard X) his name is Alfie and I love him to bits. :049:

Welcome matey - I am ‘Uncle Joe’

A very warm welcome to you and your much loved pooch Carmen, I’m sure you’ll feel at home in no time…:slight_smile:

Welcome, you will have fun here…lovely people, great site. I am a cat person if you care to call to my profile there are snaps of my tabby Mr Rascal.

Hi and welcome–I also popped across from dogsey and stayed:-) It’s a very friendly sight here and you will soon feel at home.So Alfie is a Berxer! I have a boxer and know of some popular boxer crosses but this is a knew one to me! He sounds interesting you will have to put some photo’s on for us to have a look at your Berxer boy.:039:

Hi and welcome - Join in and enjoy!

Hello Carmen :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you.

Hello & welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Thank you all for a very warm welcome, I’m sure I will be happy here.:smiley:

Yes, I will post some pics of my dog soon.

Erm, I already got stuck into the “games” thread in the early hours…I’m a bit of a night owl. :lol:

Hello Berxer, and a very warm welcome to you.

Hi and welcome I have 2 dogs pointer x sisters Becky and Jess.

Val :smiley:

Hello & welcome Berxer… :smiley:

:039: Hi and welcome from a cat person! I hope you enjoy the friendly forum; look forward to your pics!

Hello Berxer, welcome to our little corner of the ether, enjoy.

Hello, nice to meet you-hope you enjoy the forum :slight_smile:

Hello and thank you :slight_smile:

Hello, I looked at your dog pics last night, they are gorgeous :049:

Hello and thanks :slight_smile:

Hello :slight_smile: I also have a cat - love cats too.

Hello Hammer and merz, thank you for your warm welcome :slight_smile:

Hello Carmen . . . welcome to the forum. :smiley:

Welcome from me also Berxer, I am sure you will enjoy yourself on this site, especially as you know one or two members already. Have fun anyway, nice friendly place.:cool:

Thank you for your warm welcomes :smiley:

Hello…Have fun…:039: