Hello,another day

Hi everyone nice to be here, I feel living on my own a few nice chats with like minded ladies would make my day go better.

I am looking to make online friends and chat about life in general. I am divorced after a long marriage and looking to reconnect with the world albeit online. I am 5ft 7ins tall, blue eyed and slim ( mostly ). I like to think I am savvy with a great interest in the latest fashions for my age lol.


welcome to the over 50’s we are all friends here sit back relax and join in the fun.

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Good morning and welcome! I am sure you will find this a friendly and interesting place to share ideas, and the best thing of all is that you don’t have to dress for the occasion :grinning:.

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Hi there, thank you for the welcome and yes I do not need to dress up for the occasion, I shall not wear slacks and sweatshirt though.


Hi Feey, Thank you for the welcome.

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Hello @ageingdisgracefully, a warm welcome to the friendly Over50sChat … :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Mags and thank you for the welcome, I am still finding my way around the site as there seems to be a lot going on lol. Mikki


Hi & Welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi and welcome to the site, matron keeps us in check and gives out the meds and tucks us up at night

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yes welcome from me as well. most on here are sane except myself being the village idiot. :101: :069: :039:

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Ha ha ha, I like your sense of humour Mac. What meds are you on lol. Mikki

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Surely not an idiot but you sound wacky lol.

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Yes I’m new here and it’s taking a bit of getting used to. Have fundle

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Hiya Didi, thank you for the welcome. Mikki

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Welcome to the forum!
I have the distinct feeling you’ll enjoy your time here!

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Ah a new word already, fundle does sound quite nice actually.


Hi there Chilliboot, thank you kind sir.


Hello Ageingdisgracefully and Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Hi Alice, I am going down that rabbit hole now ( I bet you are fed up with people saying that lol.

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