Hello All!

Hi, I recognise a couple of names from another place, thought I would see if this is the place to be. It will take me a little while to find my way around. :slight_smile:

Hi Hawkeye :slight_smile: a very warm welcome to Over50sForum…


:039: Hello Hawkeye … from the saggy pig. Tis good to see you here.

Thanks all, nice to see you too

Hello Keith :slight_smile: welcome, I look forward to chatting with you…

Hello there, and welcome!
And of course this is the place to be! :lol:

Hi Keith and welcome from me too :slight_smile:

Hi Hawkeye and welcome to OFF :smiley:

Hello and welcome from me too. :smiley:

Hey Hawkey, Why didn’t you let me know you were coming here as I’d have baked a cake!
It’s really nice to see you here…did you come on your Penny Farthing? :lol:

…and it’s WELCOME from me Hawkeye.


Great to see you here Hawkeye, a big welcome from Prees.

You will recognise a whole bunch of your friends.

Hello Keith and welcome :slight_smile:

Good morning Keith matey and welcome.

Welcome from me Hawkeye, and Radar O’Reilly sends his best wishes.

Blimey! It’s like being in a time warp in here! I feel like Howard Carter must have !!! Hi Arty still got a Portrait in the Attic??:lol::lol:

Thank you everybody for saying hello!

Hi Hawkeye i was wondering when you were coming over. Welcome :relaxed:

Hello Keith, welcome to our forum, we are a friendly bunch on here.