Hello All! New Here

I guess that goes without saying.

I am 53 years old (54 in May) empty-nester, I have two cats, two children… no grandchildren :pleading_face: , and I am into my own body :lol: Taking care of my body! Eating healthy, getting bloodwork done reguarly, baking (because who doesn’t have a sweet tooth)!

I also love traveling, streaming shows, walking FL beaches, hiking, biking

So far, I am loving this forum! I’m glad I found it via google. Thanks Google!


Hello, I’m Bread.

I live in the bread bin and get banned a lot. Welcome aboard !


Hi Anne,

Welcome to the forum, glad you are enjoying it on here, by the way i’m the SANE one on here!!

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Hi LL007 I got locked in here in 2013 and ive not found my way out yet ,
Welcome , My advice to you is read the Rules ,We are the nicest bunch of humans around ,

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Oh Bread! How long have you been in the bread bin? :joy:

Phew! Glad to see Sane people on the internet! I haven’t been on a message board in 10-15 years for Barry Mannilow :rofl:

I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I fangirl for Barry

Hello Anne :grinning: a warm welcome to OFC, I hope you enjoy your time here.

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Is this a digital Escape Room?! Oh fun!!!

(just discovered how to quote reply multiple users… i am so sorry for spamming my own thread! :sob:

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Hi LL007!
Welcome from me. I’m an ancient Scot. What can I tell you ? I’m a retired electrical engineer, I have three children, a wife from USA and a big dog.

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Hello Anne and welcome to the forum :rose: :wave:

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Welcome to the madhouse just wondering what you asked google for to find us here. My name is Keith i am in southern ireland originally from Manchester.

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Big welcomes to you!

It’s fun here, enjoy xxx

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A big hello 007… not licenced to kill I trust?

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'ello and welcome, but be aware, think i’mn the only sane one in 'ere, matron dishes out the meds at 8pm and locks you in yer room, without a teddy

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Okay! I lied. I don’t know how to multi-quote, just yet.

To answer some of you lovely peoples:

@Feey - Oh I had to look up my Internet history. I searched, verbatim, ‘fitness over 50 message board’ and BOOM here I am

@Chilliboot - haha my youngest son LOVES James Bond. He use to say that Agent Bond was his uncle :joy: They have the same last name… To answer your question… My Fishing License says I can!

@macywack - Ooo 8pm? Perfect that is near my bed time. Teddy? How’d you know the name of one of my cats and no one touches Teddy :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rofl:

Too long …

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Well, the good news is, fungus you’ve grown while in in the bin may have some antibacterial effects! :rofl:

These cats of yours,do they go woof and wag their tails?

Hello :wave:

Enjoy your time here!

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I do NOT take ailurophobia lightly :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:

I also had a pup (in my profile) but gave him up to a retired friend (traveled too much for his liking)

Techically, cats do wag their tail. It just means something different vs Dogs :sweat_smile:

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