Hello all, I just joined.

Hi Chuck and it’s a warm welcome from me. Just jump in and enjoy yourself, You will soon get used to the older eccentrics on here. I did but then I am one of them. :rofl:

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Hello Chuck we are all a friendly bunch here. just look around and start some posting or just looking if you prefer. you will soon get the hang of things here,

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Welcome Chuckzom1974.
You have joined a very friendly and informative site.

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WOW!, thank you all for the warm welcome. I am recently separated after 21 years with no friends and need some people to chat with.


Hello Chuck nice to meet you and glad you came along…I look forward to reading you… :+1:

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Hi Chuck; Welcome To The Forum :slightly_smiling_face: Hope You Like It.
Everybody Here Is So Nice & Friendly. I Joined On (March 21st - my birthday)
And Have Made So Many Friends.

Hello, Chuck! Welcome and dive right in. Good folks here.

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WHAT! Are you mad?


Hello Chuck :slight_smile: welcome to Over50sChat.


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I normally chat a lot but right now have some issues that I am dealing with but may be soon you can test me on that… :innocent:

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Hello Chuck, and welcome :smile:

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Welcome, come on in, set right down. I got tricked. I heard they had free beer here.


Hi Chuck. Welcome to the forum. Hope you enjoy your stay.

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There’s no such thing as a free beer!


Has Chuck chucked it in already?

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Matron cornered him with a big needle

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Hello and a belated Welcome, enjoy!

There’s only one chance to make a first impression. :laughing:

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I think that moment has passed

Of course it has, but, this is not the first time!