Hello again

Hi everyone, I am back again after a very long absence. I lost the site and had to sift through a backlog of saved sites, but here I am at last.

Hello Pumpkin :slight_smile: welcome back…:slight_smile:

Blimey 4 years!
You are more persistent than me, welcome back.

Good morning darlin’ and welcome.

Hello and welcome from me too :slight_smile:

Hello Pumpkin.

Hello Pumpkin and welcome from me too. :smiley:

Hello Pumpkin :slight_smile: a warm welcome back to Over50sForum…

Hello Pumpkin, welcome back to the forum.

Thank you all for the warm welcome back. Having a browse through everything slowly, lots to go through:shock:

Welcome from me too.

Welcome back Pumpkin.
And what a lovely forum name.
Very nice.:smiley:

Nice to have you back Pumpkin.:slight_smile: