Heavy Load that should go by rail

When they have to funny how things can be arranged properly.

It this railway actually wide enough for this road vehicle?

Not going by rail @Besoeker because there isn’t one. My point is that it should not be on the road, that is the only option to deliver it to the destination because of the destruction of the railways. Whether it could have managed this I do not know, but the road system in Suffolk definitely not up for it.

“By 1871, trains across Britain were carrying over 300 million passengers and over 150 million tonnes of goods each year”.

My point remains. If the vehicle is too large for the train it is irrelevant.

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It is too large to go directly from the port to it’s destination by road.

Actually quite a lot of projects we were involved with local/unrelated to ports. Steel, paper mills, pumping stations etc. One of the paper mills got shipped in by water…

And who employed Beeching to cut the railways?

Transport Minister Ernest Marples that’s who.

And what did his family company do?

Build roads that’s what!

More Tory bastardry.

What Britain needs now is road trains and B doubles.


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