Heard on a TV quiz yesterday

Q. What’s 10% of a hundred?

A. …? Ooh! I really should know that, I’m an Accountant…?


Bit like the builder type in this clip…

Stuff like that is always worth watching … it really makes me feel better about myself. :lol:

Hilarious! :lol:

I normally laugh and then get the next ten questions wrong. :blush:

Another question put to the same contestant:

Q. Which Elizabethan playwright had twin children?

A. Er… I can only think of one person who had twins…Cinderella.


:043: Shouldn’t laugh but I will


I have always said that the TV people pick contestants not for their knowledge or intelligence, but for their entertainment value.

Which TV programme was this, Longdong? I’d like to watch it.

Heard this on ‘The Chase’ the other week…

Question…Who in 1903 described his theory of relativity?

Contestants answer…Isaac Newton…


Only about two hundred years too late!


It was on tipping point, not necessarily known for hilarious answers but the questions are mostly easy.

Made me laugh anyway.

And that was Jenny ‘The Vixen’ Ryan. :lol::lol:

There was another I remember some time ago on Tipping Point:

Q. What is Spanish for beer?

A. Beero?


Thanks. I see it’s just started on ITV, so I’ve put it on to record and I’ll watch it later.


Beero? :lol:

Everyone knows that’s Italian.

Just to clear (I’m sure you are) those answers were on Friday’s episode.

I was watching that too LD. Unbelievable!
Mind you I blame a lot of the silliest of simplest maths answers on calculators and the fact that kids at school these days can use them. No wonder young people have no maths skills at all.

It seems those who should be the most intelligent according to their job title always give the worst answers.

Yes, I watched it and, apart from a few incorrect answers, no glaring boo boos, except for:

Q: “On a traditional Irish Claddagh ring, which shape represents love?” (A heart)

A: “A circle.”

Or much more ridiculously stupid:

Q: “Which artistic movement, that originated in Italy in the 14th century, takes its name from the French word for ‘rebirth’?” (The Renaissance)

A: “The Can Can.” :lol::lol::lol:

Well that was another hour or so that I’ll never get back!

Yes that was also a great answer. :lol:

On today’s episode.

Q. Mary Todd Lincoln was married to which US president?

A. Rooservelt