Have Zoom (video) chats decreased the level of misunderstanding on the internet?

Continuing the discussion from Are you confident in sharing your true opinions?:

I’ve seen this a lot. With the rise of Zoom chats and other video chats, I wonder if the level of misunderstanding from the pitfalls of written forums has decreased since there’s facial expressions, hand gesturing and posture that can be seen in video chats.

For those that take part in Zoom chats (or other video chats) or even watched them, have you noticed more understanding?

Will there be even more understanding in VR (virtual reality) chats where the whole body can be shown, even if it’s not in the same actual location?

I have taken part in Zoom calls/chats and I noticed that some people do forget they are on camera…:flushed: :nose: Other than that, no increase in understanding due to having some visual…maybe a lot more nodding and not speaking, perhaps…but that’s it. :woman_shrugging:

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I am not sure that Zoom chats, which have a very limited audience, can claim to have decreased the level of misunderstanding on such a vast network as the Internet.

Certainly having the visual and audible clues make misunderstandings less likely but Zoom meetings are a two way street anyway.

It doesn’t look like live chats on Youtube (a one way street) do anything to clear up misunderstandings or trolls judging by the comments. I should say I rarely stay on live chats for more than a few minutes but even live broadcasts of events like the La Palma volcano seem to attract trolls or religious loonies in the comments section which seems strange.

You will have to follow the link to Youtube to view this and see the comments.

There are several feeds too