Hi Bscotch, you Ingerish folk use more slang and jargon than most I know except my fellow Orstraylians. Pray tell, what on Earth is a “Paddie” ??
. other than a rice field ?
Isn’t it derogatory term for an Irishman?
I use this on a regular basis…
It’s fine with a decent tasty (spicy) sauce, it’s just about expectations. It’s not the real thing and never will be.
Not keen on quorn, prefer the soya based mince.
But Helen, isn’t eating Irishmen considered cannibalism & Illegal . And anyway I hadn’t realised they were made out of vegetables despite their history with potatoes.
No plant based meals for me,if it has a face i eat it.
Are you asking me? That’s not my post.
Sorry, my typo. I meant “petties” (the middle part of a hamburger).
BTW I am not Bscotch
I think you might mean PATTIES.
Tried an imitation Chicken and Mushroom pie about a year ago. The ‘chicken’ was some kind of spun soya. The pastry was also vegan. It had very little taste but was vaguely comforting as it had been heated. If you need to be vegan why not eat the real thing? Something like steamed purple flowering broccoli, which we had today, has more vitamins and tasted brilliant.
OOPS !! Sry Bscotch - wrong person. .
I know what you mean.
The other day I wanted to buy a new car. The nice one in the store was “electric”. That is someting which did not exist when I was a kid, so I did not buy it.
I know what you mean - obviously, I try new things which do appeal to me, so no need for the irony!
If I were to eat plant based meals I would be depriving my favourite animal’s their food.
welcome over the border, hope you brought a bottle with you
Never travel without a drop of the good stuff
Welcome to the forum Highlander. I hope you enjoy your time here.
Thank you