Have you taken any acid suppression medicines?

I can’t remember which brand of vinegar I used first, but that year I went on holiday to France - Normandy - and bought half a dozen bottles from there. They were just ordinary standard supermarket brand, but yes, I’d suggest you buy the best you can find. Staying calm and anxiety free is also important…so lots of rest too.
All the very best of luck to you.

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Hope this thread’s helpful to those with tummy trouble! (Bakerman)
Don’t know how to put a link.

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Btw, my GP told me Ranitidine has been withdrawn! I believe it caused suicidal thoughts

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Ranitidine really helped me and I was very disappointed. But I’ve totally stopped taking anything and used anti histamines which have strangely enough worked. I haven’t had IBS type symptoms since stopping gluten ten years ago. But my acid caused a chronic cough which went away with the allergy tablets. It’s funny how you have try different things that you don’t expect to work.

They do have different iterations of the ranitidine family still available as these did not get tarred with the same brush - cimetidine and famotidine. Not easy to find in the UK. I gave up. I hated omeprazole which also got rid of a cough another year. But I guess if you have a runny tummy they must be good as they created gridlock in my system!

I think a yeast free diet may be a good move. I also tried that and it was so tough at the time. Yeast is in everything we like to eat. But it’s good to give the body a break from the stuff to see if it helps.

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Regarding Apple Cider Vinegar, I would only use a good one like Braggs or Comvita.
The Comvita one also has Manuka Honey added.

It explains a little here about ordinary supermarket brands and the good stuff.


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Mother did for years due to a substantial stomach ulcer which had resulted after years of VINEGAR abuses…

She had a prescription for TAGAMET (active ingredient CIMETIDINE)

During my two pregnancies, I had occasional heartburn and my OB/GYN had prescribed PEPTOBISMOL (active ingredient BISMUTH SUBSALICYLATE)

In the latter years, for occasional stomach upset I take GAVISCON (various active ingredients)

I take steroids (prednisolone)a side effect of which is acid so I also take omeprazole…have to admit I dislike taking any medication but needs must

I am regular Lansoprazole patient. 15mg prolonged release capsule every morning 1hr before breakfast. I was diagnosed with a very restrictive hiatus hernia at around 28ish combined with over active acid production, and at first I was prescribed Asilone which was eventually withdrawn after concerns over its aluminium content. I was then prescribed Neutradona which was again withdrawn for me due to its high alkaloid content. Next was Cimetidine due to duodenal ulcer and later Ranitidine which gave me full relief and a full life back again. That was replaced by maintenance dose Lansoprazole by a new gastro specialist when she reassessed my inoperable condition (would include severing some of the vagus nerves). The lansoprazole is my life saver as I’m like a bear with a sore head without the med.

Just a thought, and perhaps a natural cure…
I had been suffering with acid reflux and indigestion most nights. I stopped taking my daily aspirin dose in favour of clopidogrel but found no relief.
In the past, pastry has been the cause of so much discomfort but an apple settled my stomach and relieved the acid problem.
So I wondered if an apple could help now. So after my main evening meal and before going to bed I eat an apple…It has cured the problem instantly, no more acid reflux. Something to do with the enzymes breaking down the fats. Sometimes as we age, it’s because our acid is not strong enough to digest some foods that causes the problems, and the acid remains in the stomach far longer than it should causing it to bubble up into the throat. Taking antacid medication only aggravates the situation.
Give an apple a try, what could possibly go wrong!

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How much aspirin? Even a BIG chap will only be prescribed 150mg of dispersible aspirin as an anti platelet med .

I take omeprazole for gastritis. I used to take them for reflux but don’t seem to have that much any more, but the gastritis was really bothering me before I started taking omeprazole again. I did take Ranitidine for a few years but then they banned it. I had a gastroscopy last year and they couldn’t see any evidence of reflux, just the gastritis.

I prefer not to take any medication and this is the only med I take. But I just feel unwell when not taking it. That’s not because of withdrawal because I had years of not using omeprazole. But over time of no meds I had years of symptoms. It was such a relief when I started taking it again. All my symptoms disappeared.

A friend stopped using it thinking she didn’t have reflux. After a couple of years of no symptoms she has recently had problems and now has suspected oesophageal cancer. I also have a friend who has barrett’s oesophagus and has to take it even though he hates being reliant on it.

Apples are so good for you. I used to have one every day too but I generally do not like fruit so it’s hard to keep up the habit.

Just low dose LongDriver, 75mg dispersible…However, the first thing the medics did on both of my heart attacks is administer two 300mg Aspirin tablets. My friend who has also suffered a heart attack, actually carries two 300mg Aspirin around with him, just in case…

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I don’t care for fruit either Annie, but I can just about manage an apple every day. I buy enough to last me for a week. I strongly recommend one if you are suffering with acid or digestion problems…

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