Have you peaked in terms of your creativity & contribution

wise words

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Past my creative best I’d say 
if there ever was a best. Anything to do with computer images, graphics or photo work used to hold my interest for hours but the processes involved have somehow now lost the magic I found in them. An odd burst of enthusiasm from time to time but mostly at a creative (if it could be considered that) dead end these days.


I’m just creative in my mind now
'cos my body say’s that’s the best thing to do :roll_eyes:


Yippee for skippee! I can’t wait to see your artwork!



You and Mrs Mart have done some fantastic stuff between you.
Plus you have shared your skills with others - which means a lot!

Having spent most of my working life in the wood trade, making things in my spare time was a natural thing to do, usually dolls houses , toy garages etc. Made easier by being able to ‘Borrow’ plenty of offcuts from work. Sadly now retired and having to buy material makes it an expensive hobby.


Thanks :smiley: Mrs mart is still as creative as ever but mine is mostly all images that were done a while ago.

People pay top prices for handcrafted wood items you know. A wooden dolls house up here sold for quite a few hundred pounds at Christmas (pre lockdown) Two levels, all handcrafted furniture, a front that could open and close. It was gorgeous. Also bird boxes
they are really popular too. I fyou chose to sell some, it would more than pay for any materials. Just sayin :wink:

Creativity can not be controlled, it just happens, sad times for folks who experience the “Thick End” of it.

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The last garage I made with A simple wind up lift for mini cars onto the flat roof.


Wow, that’s amazing! :+1:

As Pixieknuckles wrote, people would pay good money for something like that if you were willing to part with it.

Thanks for sharing it.

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Thank you. I made several types. This one was for a 4 year old who loved to play with small cars.

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This was an open fronted dolls house. It was raffled by a charity and made nearly ÂŁ300 . I often wonder how it looked when furnished.


These are wonderful, Tezza! So much detail
How long do they take you to make?

Wise words.

Let’s hope it’s temporary, like writer’s block.

To be honest I’ve never really worked out the time to complete a project. I usually just do a bit here and there when time allows and eventually somehow they get done. :man_shrugging:t2: :+1:

My boys would have loved those they loved cars .

This 90 year old lady is still creating and it’s beautiful


Oh I love this Maree! :smiley:

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I wish she’d come and paint mine! How pretty it is