Have you given your car a name?

Do you talk to it regularly or even feel guilty driving another vehicle?
A new poll finds 60 percent of drivers consider their cars to be full-fledged members of the family—nearly as many owners seal this bond by naming their four-wheeled friends.
Not surprisingly, the survey also found that 40% of us regularly talk to our vehicles. For 63% of owners, car conversations are primarily encouraging the car to go faster or make it up a hill.
Some names owners have for their vehicle are, The Bug Slayer, Earth Mover, Baby Sweet Lil’ Kayden, Cujo, Grease Lightning,
Lil’ Speedz, Miss Tigglywinkle, Muscle boy, Optimus Punto

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I have never seen the point of giving inanimate objects a name, they just don’t come when you call.

On the other hand chatting to them seems quite reasonable.

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I have never given any of my cars a name, other than the brand name the manufacturer has given them.
I can’t see the point of giving an inanimate object a personal name or talking to it as if it could hear and understand me - that sounds daft to me - and Walter, my washing- up bowl, and Katie the Kettle agree with me.


I would not only say come on giddy up thelma, but when we got to the top of the hill ,Id give it a slap on the dash and say good gal .


I call mine Aygo because that’s what Toyota named it.

I do talk to it though.
I tell it how pretty I think it is & how good that it doesn’t guzzle petrol like my other car…

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It has to be said that I chat a lot less to my car and my microwave since I got my Freda Kahlo cushions.

I wonder if they feel neglected?


These days I have problems remembering anyone’s name let alone a cars :slight_smile:


Not to my car or even the other two vehicles we own, but I do tend to mumble expletive deletives towards other cars etc driven by frikkin eejits! It never ceases to amaze me how many drivers venture out without exercising due care and attention towards other vehicles on the same stretch of highway :man_shrugging:Driving standards in and around my neck of the woods are utterly appalling​:rage:


Yes she’s …course she’s female , Sexy Lexi.

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Due to the awful turning circle on my Renault Clio, I’ve nicknamed it, Ship Oil Tanker! :laughing:

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No, Never named a car. I think it’s daft and on a par with couples who go out wearing matching jumpers or jackets.


Not a car but a van, a VW Transporter I bought in the late 80s for a trip around Europe. The White Lady, she is/was referred to. We were talking about her just the other day.


Oh no! This is me and the wife!!


A friend named one of my cars. That friend talked to the car more than I did. I just played along.


We have Vikki, my late OH’s car, a Focus estate. I often stroke her dash when she does well. I don’t drive but daughter drives her.


I have always named my cars.
Kiki the Kuga ,Henry the Ford Fiesta to name but a few.
And yes,i will talk to it :scream:


we had a hoover called Henry once. :wink:


What did you call the Ford? :upside_down_face::nerd_face:


Errr … watersplash? :man_shrugging:

all too cryptic for me.

I need to go and lie down.

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