Have you ever tried weekly meal prepping?

Lots of people meal prep on the weekends so that during the week, they don’t have as much cooking to do.

I like watching what people prepare in bulk for the week. There’s a subreddit on Meal Prep Sunday and Meatless Meal Prep Sunday.

Something about looking at all those containers of food online, ready to be eaten during the week, appeals to me.

Have you ever tried weekly meal prepping?

Nothing new there. I do it all the time and freeze the results to heat up later.

Cooking for one is a total waste of time unless you make many meals at a time.

Yes and it was not exactly successful. I am retired so it’s not any bother to prep and cook on a daily basis.

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Not really, I don’t mind cooking

Things that take ages though, like moussaka, I do cook a huge one and freeze portions


yes I prep a few meals for when im not upto cooking , and put them in the freezer.

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I prep the vegetables only, as soon as they are home from the market. Keep them in the fridge in glass containers so I can see and choose daily. Nothing worse than using only a few carrots on Monday to find the rest all bendy by Thursday!
Saves time too. Peeling and chopping already done :blush:

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Always fresh

The most prep I do is Sunday family lunch which usually has enough leftovers to eat until Tuesday. But the problem is that eating the same things more than two days in a row is not appealing.

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No, I’ve never tried to prepare food in advance for a whole week.Most of the recipes I use don’t require a lot of “prepping” anyway.
When I was working and raising a family, I used to do a main shop once a week but I rarely bought more than 3 or 4 days supply of fresh produce, then I would shop for fresh meat, fruit and veg at least once during the week in my lunch break.
Now I’m retired, I don’t have any set routines. I tend to walk into town as and when I want to buy fresh food.

I rather enjoy preparing and cooking a different meal each day from fresh ingredients and most of the veggie food I eat doesn’t take long to cook - although if I’m making soup or a casserole or something else that needs slow cooking and will freeze well, I tend to cook more than one portion and freeze the rest into single portions for a quick microwave “ready meal” for when I haven’t had time to shop or cook.

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There was a prepper on here a long time ago called Realist, God knows what happened there?

Maybe he “Over Prepped”.

I am sure he is fine, he had years of food supplies in his cellar. A true survivalist. I’ll bet when Covid came around he was thinking “I told them, they wouldn’t listen!”