After I read the book Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert, I had the image in my mind of what it would be like to go on a meditation retreat.
In her description of a retreat, there were times where people didn’t talk for days.
Have you every been on a meditation retreat? How long could you go without talking?
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No I have not gone on a meditation retreat can thnk of any reason why I would.
As for not talking as i live on my own with very few friends i can go for days without talking to anyone though i do chat to visiting cats, does that count? 

I don’t know about the cats, but I think chatting online counts. I think it’s the communicating with others that counts as talking.
I think chatting is frowned on here as if you do you will invariably get a pop up suggesting you might like to PM instead or some numptie TL3 will slap a slow mode on the thread making ‘chat’ quite a lengthy process with a hour between posts. 
I must admit I do have some great chats on my other main forum.
I think I would love to try a meditation retreat - I’d be quite happy not speaking to people for a while. I do enjoy being by myself, and have tried meditation on my own (with varying degrees of success in feeling relaxed). I think being silent for a long time would be hard though…everyone needs to have a chat sometimes, I think.
I haven’t read the book, @butterscotch but have heard great things about it. I’ll see if I can get a copy 
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Haven’t been on one but would love to try. Wouldn’t mind trying one of those detox retreats ideally on an island on the other side of the world too.
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