Have you ever been in a natural disaster?

Be it Tornado/Cyclone, Earthquake, Severe Flooding, Bushfire, Tsunami, Extreme Heatwave, Prolonged Drought, Volcanic Eruptions, Avalanche?
Bretrick has experienced no natural disasters

I have been in a couple of earthquakes, they occurred a few days apart in different countries but they weren’t real disasters.

The first was in Iran, in Mashed (I think) but it wasn’t too bad but as it was the first earthquake I had experienced it certainly got my attention, about a week or so later I was in Herat or Kabul (can’t remember exactly but I think the latter) when there was a quite strong quake. We were in a mud brick hotel and the mud started “pinging” off the walls, I have never descended a flight of stairs so quickly. The next day we moved into the “Earthquake Proof” hotel across the road.

The Sydney earthquake in the 1970’s I slept through and missed entirely even though it woke my girlfriend at the time. By then I was too experienced in such matters to be concerned :icon_wink:

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Only a minor earthquake,shook the house and pictures fell of the wall.

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@Bretrick Twice! 1st time was a direct lightning strike on my house and then barely 3yrs later a tornado rent it in twain.

Tsunami in Portugal 20 years ago. I didn’t know what was happening, I was at my desk and my chair started shaking, I thought there was some joker behind me giving it a good wobble, but no. I walked down to the beach soon after and found the road was flooded, then someone told me …

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Been in a earthquake in Turkey back in the early 60’s. Was in an Earthquake in California in the late 80’s. Was in a Hurricane in Mississippi in the late 60’s and a typhoon in Korea with in 79.
Was less then a quarter mile from a tornado in Minnesota in 68. I was never caught in a flash flood, but has seen a lot of them.
Never been around an active volcanoe or near a tsunami or an avalanche.
All the properties around me have been burn in prairie fires. Was in a sand storm in Iraq.
My grandma said she had been struck by lightning 3 times.


seems a bit careless :grinning:

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The river flooded some of Cardiff just after Xmas in the 70’s.No lives lost but lots of homes made uninhabitable for a time.We spent weeks after helping a work mate re-wire,re-decorate etc.

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A Cyclone in The South China Sea. Is not the best place to be.
In a " Liberty Ship". Rapidly built “Wielded” v Riveted. Expected to make ONE Atlantic crossing, 26yo previously.
Duty requiring Stem to Stern inspection, lashed to a lifeline. Feet off the deck, body swinging like a kite.
Visually observing, seam by seam, welded prefabricated decking tearing apart before salt encrusted eyes.
Main concern. Which of TWO parts of the ship do I make a “Beeline” for. :grin: Fortunately we had an experienced Skipper of few words. But navigational skills. The few words were. “Hang in There” As if. There was an Alternative.! :one_piece_swimsuit:


Wonder if it was the same quake I was in? I’ve felt a few tremblers in the past, but this one scared me…my apartment’s windows shifted and all my glasses fell out of the cupboards and broke…plus a book shelf tipped…

Lived through a recent heat dome…horrid…and my province was badly flooded…gad that was one hideous year… the only thing we didn’t have were plagues of locusts.

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