Have you ever been Homeless?

More and more people are struggling these days.
I was homeless for about 4 months in the late 90’s. Had alcohol problems.
Set up a tent in the hills surrounding Perth.
Used to visit the Soup Kitchen in Fremantle.
No home, no job, No money, no hope.
Very disheartening when society ignores one.
If you watch people walk past a homeless person, the majority avert their eyes.
They do realise that at the stroke of a pen, there goes your job, your Mortgage payments, your home, your self esteem, your reason for living.
So many people are living on the edge of the Abyss, a slight tremor will make the foundation crumble and many people will fall to their demise


This is over 50s, the days are fewer, and, logically, less days for something bad to befall you.
Just sayin.

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You’ve done well to bounce back.I’ve always had a job and lived an honest sober life (ahem).

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There is always the possibility that at the end of my lease I could become homeless. This is the same for all renters.

Just glad I was never inclined to be a Landlord, and to have someone else’s fate in my hands.

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Never been homeless for one reason and that is knowing one has to graft to be a home owner, I should know!

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There must be a fair amount of stress being a landlord.

Thank you. It took many years and plenty of failed attempts until I eventually took control of my life.

Nothing like the OPs problems.

I suppose technically I have been homeless in the 1960s and to a lesser extent 1970s, I used to work six months of the year when in Australia and travel for 6 months so sometimes I would couch surf with friends between travels.

Once in Queensland in about 1967 I was hitch hiking and got picked up by the police for vagrancy because I didn’t have a permanent address though when I showed them my bank book (remember those) they decided they couldn’t make it stick and told me to bugger off.

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Told you to “Bugger Off”
Where did you “Bugger Off” to if I may be so bold to ask?

Dreadful feeling to have no where of your own to go .
Every living thing needs a place where it feels safe and comfortable .

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If ever I was to become homeless again I think I would go for a long drive out into the desert.

In the desert you can’t remember your name
'Cause there ain’t no one for to give you no pain


You’re so right. I’m always conscious that I could lose everything in one go. And I did lose everything in my divorce and left with debt and two kids to grow up. Lived on the breadline for a few years. I didn’t have enough food for my kids and would eat porridge so that they could eat properly.

The only way out of my situation was working two jobs and studying. With each qualification my salary improved and we improved as a family. Now, I’ve my own freehold home, car and a good job and savings in the bank with no debt. I never want to end up with nothing ever again. So I’m very prudent.

I always help those less fortunate than I am but I believe it’s a private thing to do between me and God and the person I’ve helped. Help isn’t always monetary in nature. Sometimes a word of encouragement is all that’s needed.


Yes Minx, just focus on the graft, and thank God for giving you the opportunity to do so.

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To be honest I can’t remember but I think I was on my way back from hitching up to Cairns and I think this was on or near the Gold Coast (I had made a detour to a very unimpressive Surfers Paradise) so they may well have dropped me off at the border of NSW at Tweed Heads.

You have to remember this was nearly 60 years ago.

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Memory does start to fade after such a long time.
Either fade or we conjure up false memories.

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As long as you’re on a horse with no name

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I was briefly homeless decades ago when I was very much younger.

My first port of call was a student flat in Golders Green where my girlfriend was visiting friends .
I was invited to stay and things evolved from there.

In retrospect there were times when it was like living out an episode of the young ones.

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And you would be Vyvyan ? :grinning: