Have you ever been called Spritely?

Has it annoyed you?
It appears some people take offence with this word.
If I was to call you Spry, or Vivacious, would that be better that Spritely?
One last question.
Would using Spritely be considered ageism?

Depends who is calling it you.

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Regarding ageism?
Senior citizens would not call another senior “Spritely”?

That’s a generalization, some seniors can be very spriteful

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i could do with some sprite


But that will impair your ability to Faff

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that could be a new form of endearment “you faff spritely”

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or “thats a spritely faff”

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See, the next generation of sprites are denigrating themselves, there’s elves in them

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Not sure I would enjoy being named after a bottle of Lemonade. Guinness possibly.


If somebody called me “spritely” I’d take it as a compliment. Maybe I don’t understand the word correctly but I think it’s the same as being called “youthful”???


I’m with you on that. Anybody can call me spritely any day they like


Google says:



adjective: spritely

  1. (especially of an old person) lively; full of energy.

“she was quite sprightly for her age”

Hmmm, well I thought the same as @Mad-Ralph .


I have been described as spritely. People remark on my natural walking pace and I’m still on my bike (or will be soon). I’m lucky to always bounce back to that condition despite various setbacks. I hope to be spritely at least until I’m 80 in a few month’s time 
hopefully beyond that.


I wouldn’t mind being called spritely. My family say that I am ‘young older’ because I am active and ‘young at heart’. I would rather be called spritely than referred to as ‘an old biddy’ I have heard this term used about women of my age :scream:


A compliment is a gift of good intentions ribboned with words. It’s not the bow that matters :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Any time a person shows you they are thinking of you in adjectives or adverbs, it means you are in their immediate mind. That is not a bad thing at all in my book, better than being dismissed as not worth another thought. And if they feel a need to share with you, it is usually complimentary. :blush:


I hate the word.

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What offends you so much about this word?

I get called dude, compliment or insult?