Have you considered Cryonics?

Definitely not. There’s no sign that population growth can ever be controlled so as the planet fills up and runs out of resources with it’s inevitable consequences I doubt there will be any point in going round again. :man_shrugging:t2:


So very true @Tezza , there are far too many of us now and barely enough resources, and with the expected exponential growth of world population it really is a bleak outlook for future generations. We really are the worst kind of parasite…

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Definitely not, the world today is horrible and getting worse by the day. I think the future is bleak.

Now if you said would you do cryonics and could reverse time I would say definitely yes, the days gone by were far happier and I’m not looking through rose tinted glasses, they truly were better days for me personally. The past 10 years has gone bonker, I dread to think what the future holds.


No thanks. When my time comes, that’s it for me. Goodbye world and thanks for having me.