That like to pay you a visit some days?
I had one pay me a visit a few hours ago, she was quite rude,…
That like to pay you a visit some days?
I had one pay me a visit a few hours ago, she was quite rude,…
Do you mean other peoples personalities?
Everybody we meet is social at least to some degree. Except one, a lady in in her fifties I guess. She glances at us but hardly a word passes. Strange. Even the dog passes her by.
quote=“Besoeker, post:2, topic:85810, full:true”]
Do you mean other peoples personalities?
Everybody we meet is social at least to some degree. Except one, a lady in in her fifties I guess. She glances at us but hardly a word passes. Strange. Even the dog passes her by.
Yes, but these are imaginary personalities who take me over sometimes,…I think they help me cope in difficult situations, it’s just a bit of fun, Besoeker, … the one that visited me today was rather rude, she tried to make me say something today to somebody, …I nearly said it, but then before I knew it, I put a muzzle on her, after that she disappeared, …
…I think it may be a full moon tonight.
Thanks for answering though,
I get some very silly moments at times, as I said, I think it’s a coping mechanism…no matter how silly I come across, these personalities have to voice sometimes.
…after I started the topic, I thought what made me start it, it was her fault, then she did a runner!..
…Love It!!..
Have wee not all got that Pauline Let me tell you th… what’s that sorry been told got to go
Depending upon which one of me you ask, one will say that it’s a good thing to have a playful and sometimes a little bit reckless side whereas the other one is always considerate, insightful and serious.
Now which one of me said that?
You and caveman are good fun!..
Oh yes we arent
Ah, don’t we all at times…
I agree with you, Zaphod. I also have someone who is related to my reckless side and she often doesn’t show up until after I’ve said the wrong thing!
My someone just can’t help herself, she has to do the naughty thing, say the cheeky thing just because the opportunity is there
At her worst when I was a teenager, I kept her at bay when I had kids, but now I’m getting older, she’s back!
Think of me as the cat knocking things off the shelf because they are there and because “your problem is?”
No,I’m always the same,inconsistent.
@Zaphod I’ve always wanted to know why one of your heads has an eye patch and the other doesn’t. Is it just an affectation? I’m asking both of course for a reply.
Well I always quite liked the look on Earth’s pirates and I quite fancied a parrot as well, but I haven’t got room on what’s left of my shoulders - although I did once think about growing back my third arm just to see if that would let me fit a parrot up there.
One eye patch is enough for the look.
Any more and I would be a danger to myself.
Or should that be more of a danger …
Thanks for the answer Zaphod.
I don’t know about a different personality but I’ve often had to tell myself off …
Just been over to Sainsbury’s to buy some heated rollers from Argos, the assistant looked them up for me, they are the same as my old ones that I’ve thrown out, so I asked her if I may have those, to which she replied , I’ll let you have them this time, I was a bit shocked as I thought I had to order them,…she caught me out and said she was joking, she said she needed a laugh, of course I took it as humour
I honestly thought she was being serious at first.