Has anyone had their Fuel allowance yet , or has it been stopped?

:lol::lol: its not a debate , a light hearted thread of Have you had your WFP… Im not in any frame of mind at this time of night to argue the toss over .:lol:


Means testing costs money.

Why shouldn’t people donate it if they want?

It is a personal matter.

adjective: disparaging

expressing the opinion that something is of little worth; derogatory.

At what point did i express that opinion … ? Totally puzzled where you plucked that from ,

Eliza, You can tick me off as well! I received my letter yesterday! :slight_smile:

not had a sniff of a letter yet:-(

Ok Art , ticked off :slight_smile:

Have you given them your address if its differant from last year ,:slight_smile:
Ive not got my letter yet so you not alone …

Not only have I received the letter, but just received my bank statement and have actually received the payment on 13th November.


Letter today. Tick!

No need to send the bailiffs round to Her Majesty’s place, her government has coughed up my hundred quid…:cool:

My Payment went in the Bank today , But i never received the notification letter ,not the first time mail has not arrived at this address …

I received mine last week and immediately transferred it to my Energy Supplier, so that I dont need to worry about whether to turn on my heating or not during the day. I know that I can be relatively warm over the coming cold months. That, together with my Warm Home Discount is a life saver as far as I am concerned.

Just got mine today

Received my letter this morning… :slight_smile:


My money is in the bank.

Unfortunately, the £6000 they owe me on State Pension, which I have a letter stating that it will be in the Bank has still not been paid in.

Swim, have they confirmed that they owe you this amount of state pension?
I ask because your state pension is completely separate from your works pension and, as soon as you reach the age for your pension and you have completed your form that they send, they send it every 4 weeks to your bank account.
If they have agreed that you are entitled to it, in writing, then the only reason they would not have paid it is a clerical error. If that is the case, then you should tell them that you are in need of the money so they should send it to you immediately or send immediate correspondence to explain the delay!

Looks like the majority of us have received our payments so heres a tick , hope those that are still waiting get theirs soon .


still nothing here yet:cry:


I have been battling them for ages, I was due my State Pension last December.

As I have posted elsewhere, I have numerous letters from them and I have a call recorder on my phone, all 27 hours of it.

My State Pension is not the headline one, I have been contracted out from time to time, so it is £123.57 a week.

I have a letter sitting in front of me confirming that £5913.69 was to be paid into my bank account by today, with a further payment of £494.28 paid in by 13th December.

After that, it gets paid weekly.

I also have a different letter, received a few days before, with different amounts and dates on it, the amounts they quoted in that letter are a little bit higher.

I am also battling for another Pension,not a huge one, going back 30 odd years, when I was transferred from one department to another.

The Government Department I was transferred to has written to me a year ago saying that I was entitled to it, but it is payable by another Department.

The Department responsible for paying it however wants the payslips from that time, which I do not have.

It is just a game of ping pong.

It is not a vast amount of money, but it is Tax Free, an Injury Pension.

The situation is not helped by the fact that due to being swapped around so much, I have 3 Tax Offices to deal with.

They were however very quick off the mark when I was 65, taking the whole of my Reduced Earning Allowances off me, when they should have only been reduced by a third.

They even made me go for another Medical, even though I had been awarded for life.

Such is life, I will get there.