Harry wants security updated

@Cinderella Aye, I too saw that and if that 'kin idiot thinks he can move to Sussex, as a Sussex resident, I will tell him to :point_right: go forth and multiply, but in less savoury language.

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“Harry is determined to find his own permanent home in the UK, which is partly why he’s continuing his legal action to get the British taxpayer to pay for his security.”

He cannot be serious, is also planning a world tour which he expects UK taxpayer to pay for. Not gonna happen my dear boy, UK is broke and broken, you may still retain title but no longer working. House husband suits you, your wife can work if she wants, but without you as a meal ticket.

He should have never been ‘graced’ with the Sussex title and if he thinks he can swan back over here and set up home in Sussex, he can sod off:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

What makes him think he is vulnerable,i do not think anyone really cares about him since he married her.
Anyway,he can afford his own security imo.


Indeed brokenvows, does not look like he has any old friends around for a boy’s night out or not going out. Was hoping they would do well, total independence from RF able to commit to their own projects without the “HRH” tag.

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Never understood the British aversion to Harry (other than he is royalty) and his wife is a cutie.

He certainly brings out strong feelings about his soap opera life, but that is royalty for you.


I would hope they would stay independent of the RF, too.
I wish Harry’s family only good things, he deserves to be happy in the lifestyle he has chosen.


He believed that he could choose option of attending engagements on a part-time basis. Queen made it clear that was not going to happen. Most in UK wish them well, the independent life they want for them and their children.


He forgets that “leaving the UK for a more private secluded life with his family” does not translate into "look at me and pay for the privilege :roll_eyes:

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Whatever happens their children must not be denied a chance to meet their cousins and form a friendly, happy bond. All the emotional baggage from their parents troubled early years, not unburdened on them. At present are protected, now is the time to let them enjoy a normal, carefree infancy.

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The only place I ever hear any news of Prince Harry is on threads on this Forum! :rofl:
Who is it who keeps stirring the pot?
Is it Prince Harry? - or is it a couple of media outlets which cannot let go of a “goose that laid golden eggs” to fill their column inches?

The links I see to articles about Prince Harry and his wife seem to be mostly “right wing rags”, such as GB News, Daily Mail and Daily Express.
It is touching that they still care so much about Harry to keep reporting his every move but haven’t most of us moved on to matters of more National importance?

I wish Harry and his family well but, as he has chosen to move away and stop working for the Royal Family “Firm”, I’m content to leave him to get on with his life. What he does now does not affect most Brits, so I don’t know why some media rags still focus so much time and effort on snooping out news about him. :thinking:



why cant he move t o Sussex if he is a UK citizen and can afford it?

I get that tax payers are not responsible for his security if he is not an official royal doing royal duties any more - but why can he not choose to have a home in Britain?

However if people in UK are going t o harrass him and his family I can see the need for security

I presume you are using hyperbole and wouldn’t really do anything - but maybe some other people would


If he was stupid enough, other Sussex residents would make his life there intolerable.

Then, you are saying residents of Sussex are mean and vengeful?
Sure sounds like it to me

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Maybe you don’t realise that Harry has lost a great deal of the goodwill he had in this country due to his behaviour towards his family. He has made financial gain based on his endless criticism of his family - something that many people here find repugnant not least because his family can’t answer back, and he knows that. When he married and when he left the RF people here were on the whole supportive and wished him well - sadly, through his own actions, he has lost all of that.


in what way would they make it intolerable? Sounds rather nasty and spiteful

Sounds like he is justified in needing security then if that is how Sussex residents would behave.

Because if he is a UK resident why should he not move back t o Sussex if he wants to?

Regardless of whether someone had your goodwill or respect or not - surely you should would not do anything to make their life intolerable - and if so, that reflects on you, not on him.


No we are not, but we do dislike someone who takes our county name in vain or who holds it up for mockery, and that is Harry and his harridan. It all comes down to the old saying :point_right: marry in haste, repent at leisure.

Did they ever visit Sussex, must have just cannot remember.
They did, one off day: never to be repeated.

I can well understand you wanting to be prideful of your country, as do most citizens of our own country.
Feeling the need to call Harry and his chosen wife names, belittling them, and passing continued judgment of his choice of marriage and where he wants his life choices to go, reflects badly on your country to others. It does give others pause to consider you are the pot calling the kettle black.
Perhaps it shows a false sense on confidence because your ego has been hurt.
Isn’t this exactly what brits are doing to Harry?