Harry and Meghan fly on fuel-guzzling private jet owned by oil heir to attend Katy Perry concert

The preachy environmentalists flew from California to Las Vegas and back on a Gulfstream jet with pals Cameron Diaz, her rocker hubby Benji Madden and actress Zoe Saldana.

Hours later, Harry’s brother William flew to Singapore on a commercial BA flight.

Royal expert Angela Levin told The Sun: “Harry set up this Travalyst charity which was all about not using private planes. He’s still their patron. I think he should get the sack. The Sussexes have gotten so grand, they wouldn’t dream of taking a normal flight. They’ve got all these rich friends to pay for it. It’s worse than ‘do as I say, not as I do’ because he’s a patron of a charity.

Harry helped launch Travalyst in 2019, a “bold global initiative with the ambition to change the impact of travel, for good”.

IMO, I think this is another instance of Meghan ruling the roost. Harry has fewer pretensions and, I’m sure, would have cheerfully taken a commercial flight but Meghan is working on her “career” … :man_shrugging:


It’s so disappointing when people you respect and admire show their true colours AND I’ll go back to using private jets again.

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Respect and admire ?

I admire their nerve!
This post is not to be taken literally :wink:

I think this Jewish word sums their freeloading up quite beautifully. :scream:

In Yiddish, chutzpah is usually considered a negative characteristic , along the lines of brazen nerve, insolence, impudence, or arrogant self-confidence. In this form, it’s a personality characteristic that’s unattractive and destructive.


No, no, you’ve got it all wrong…

Protecting the environment doesn’t mean rich people need to give up flying around on fuel guzzling jets…

It’s all about you peasants recycling toilet roll and paying 30p for a plastic carrier bag in Tescos if you’re disgusting and self-indulgent enough to use one :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


We can agree on that :+1:

What rhymes with chutzpah. We are.

Always will be about excessive self-indulgence.

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I’m going to have to include a “Contains Sarcasm” label in some of my posts.

There is a much better word that that :point_right: Shnorrer!
A shnorrer is a beggar or freeloader in Yiddish and suits both H&M completely!

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