Our arty has just issued some advice on how to increse productivity by giving workers time off to meditate more?
Time off work to increase productivity ??
Does he think everybody is like him ?
Too much time to think about himself and give himself
depression ??
I’m not sure about workers having time off for meditation but I do recall many years ago a company employing a lady to do shoulder and back massage for workers and I do think if companies treat workers with respect and gratitude and little extras the workers respect the employer and give more of themselves. It makes for a happier workforce .
Schools teach meditation now I know because my 10 yr old grandaughter told me a while ago .
Harry doesn’t understand life does he , how could he . His world is very different to the minions
Harry is an idiot!
@SilverTabby , Seems that way Tabby don’t it ??
Surely it would be more efficient if you meditate in your own time
wouldn’t it? After all it doesn’t cost anything at all, unless you
get conned into it ???
This needs to on posters inside every workplace.
The silly Billy would have even more mental issues if he had to hold down a nine to five job and had a mortgage ,
We really mustn’t be too harsh on him … just because he was unable to hold down a perfectly good job … and it was the only job he ever had.