Happy Birthday to Surfermom!

Haven’t seen you around recently but hope that, whatever you are doing, you will have a wonderful birthday!

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I agree. Wherever you are, SM, I hope you enjoy your birthday.

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Surfermom come back !
We are missing you Happy Birthday :slight_smile:

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Happy Birthday Surfermom, hope you have had a lovely day.

Happy Birthday @Surfermom

I hope you are coping well with the pandemic.

I agree with those above, we miss you on here and would love to know how you are.

Have a lovely day!

Happy Birthday SM :grinning:

Happy Birthday beautiful lady. Miss your positive posts

Happy Birthday Surfermom.

I hope you’re having a brilliant day. x

Wishing you a very happy birthday Surfer, I miss your lively posts on here, take care of yourself. :smiley:

Belated happy birthday SurferMom.

Happy Birthday for yesterday @SurferMom

Oh, good grief. I am so sorry to be just now thanking you all for your kind and thoughtful posts! I’ve never been so happy to add another tally mark!


I missed this thread and missed YOU!
So good to see you back! download (2)|122x183download (2)

Thank you, Ruthio. Truly happy to see you here too! :hugs:


I trust no little person said to you (as happened to me) “Nannah, are you Very Old?”
To which I replied, “Do you know I’m even older than I was last year, imagine that!!!” :rofl: :rofl: