Happy 2023 birthday Carol

Wishing our brave Carol a very happy birthday for today, especially as the past year has been rather a lot for her to cope with!

Have a lovely day Carol, whatever your plans.


Wishing Carol and very happy birthday, may this be a special one for a special woman.

Hugs to you.

Susie xxx

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Best Wishes from me … :grinning:

Happy Birthday, have a lovely day xxxx

Wishing you a very happy birthday Carol! :birthday:

Happy birthday :partying_face:

Happy Birthday Carol, hope you have a lovely day! x


Wishing you, Carol !

Happy Birthday Carol. :grinning:
Is that why you are called Carol?My cousin Noel was born on Christmas day.

enjoy your special day Carole


Have a fantastic birthday Carol, many happy returns of the day.

A very happy birthday Carol, you have been an inspiration to us all…

Have a very happy birthday, Carol. :birthday:

Happy Birthday from me too, Carol x

happy days Carol x

Thank you everybody. I had a lovely day. x

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