Handedness .. left, right or ambidextrous?

Which is your dominate hand or are you ambidextrous? I slip into the ambi category with a strange trait of cross-dominance, where I tend to use different hands for different tasks.
i.e I use my knife and fork in RH mode but for my spoons, the left is the one I use.
I play either left or right handed guitars equally well and can change over without thinking. I do also have a very strange party piece … I play a RH guitar without tremolo arm, left handed and my mind auto compensates for the reversal of strings without any mental effort.
Although I can write equally well with either hand, it somehow feels more comfortable to write left handed.
In his book Right-Hand, Left-Hand, Chris McManus of University College London argues that the proportion of left-handers is increasing, and that an above-average quota of high achievers have been left-handed. He says that left-handers’ brains are structured in a way that increases their range of abilities, and that the genes that determine left-handedness also govern development of the brain’s language centres.


Left handed me, but I do use a knife & fork the right way, everything else is with my left hand.
I find it hard to cut my left hand finger nails, it feels alien to me.
Do right handed people have the same problem with cutting their right hand finger nails, I wonder?


I’m favour my right side, but I can use both left hand and foot without it feeling odd or strange…apart from using scissors. I simply cannot operate scissors with my left hand at all, it just freezes like it doesn’t know what to do :joy: So @Tiffany I just file my nails rather than cut them, and use my right hand to cut open things with scissors.


Basically none of the above. I think.

I do almost everything thing right handed. But do a few things like eat, left handed. But I cannot swap hands, so I do not think I am ambidextrous.

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My right is dominate, however I am ambidextrous. :grin:

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My right hand is so dominant that I would really struggle to do most things without it.
When I broke my right wrist a couple of years ago I found many things impossible, but could manage some tasks with my left hand. The wrist took 10 month to heal and what now amazes me is that some of the little jobs I learned to use my left hand for, are now always done with my left hand ! :open_mouth:


Definitely predominately right handed. Can use a screw driver or a saw left handed. :grinning:

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Have been left handed all of my life…until I broke my wrist. Slowed down but learned how to maneuver most things with my right hand. It’s a good learning experience.
Wrist healed, back to being left handed full time.

All computer things I have left alone as right handed (mouse, etc) so I am not feeling disabled when using public computers. Also, my second hubby insisted I learn to golf using right handed clubs. Hubby is no longer…hubby.


Strangely, I struggle with a saw in my right hand but for a screwdriver, any hand will do … ooooh, I can imaging a song with that title, any hand will do :wink:


I am fairly ambidextrous, I can even write with both hands and it’s very useful when I’m decorating, I can paint an arms reach left and right without moving the ladder 🪜

But I don’t think I was born that way. When I was four I broke my right arm quite badly and was in plaster for months so just adapted to using my left.

And I wonder if having to do that at a developmental stage left me able to do both?

I remember mum retraining me to use my right hand, she’d take pencils, cutlery etc out of my left and put them in my right


Same with me and when it comes to writing. I just cannot write with my right hand. I’ve been predominantly left-handed since birth but I do many things with a right handed bias such as holding a fishing rod, cricket bat, shooting a rifle, using a long bow or crossbow. When it comes to kicking a ball or playing tennis or squash then I play left handed.

I’ve noticed that recently, I’m finding it harder to cut my left hand finger nails either with scissors or a nail trimmer.


I taught my right handed brother to play cricket, tennis & badminton, my parents didn’t realise. When he started doing these sports he had to learn right handed as I had taught him left handed.


Unless I am trying to flip a coin. I don’t know why, but my left hand just can’t seem to get the hang of it. :grin: :grin:

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I am ambidextrous. I broke my right wrist when I was 12 :roll_eyes: so I had to learn to write with my left hand…

I was roller skating and took a bend waaaaay to fast and leaned to the right just a little too much and there was a cRaCk!

I wasn’t meant to be roller skating but I was - well a naughty girl :smiling_imp:

My sisters and I lied to my Dad that I’d fallen off a chair and broken my wrist! It worked, until one of my sisters let the cat out the bag by accident.

As punishment for my disobedience and LYING my Dad took a knife and promptly cut the roller skates up in front of me whilst I bawled my eyes out!!!

My Dad! The bestest Dad on the Planet!

Miss you Daddy

Aww … no need for that. I would take them for a stated period and then reissue with strict instructions about future usage. Cutting them up removed any possible misuse and to my mind, children only learn when an element temptation still exists :wink:

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Well, I graduated to ice skating :rofl:

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I was born left-handed but in those days, for some reason I don’t know, left-handedness was frowned up and children were made to be right-handed. No idea what the effect of this was, all I know is that I often do tasks with my left hand, like finding that hand is stronger for opening difficult cans, jars and bottles. My so-called younger ‘sister’ was born left-handed and still is.

On the subject of punishment, slightly off topic, sorry, similar though to what Minx described, I had an air pistol taken away after misbehaving. My father put it on the top shelf of his wardrobe, I disobeyed the warning not to try and find it to use. He came in early from work and caught me with it, nothing said. He then took it off me, went into his garage coming out with a sledgehammer and promptly put the pistol at an angle on the back doorstep, then smashed it. All he said was “I told you not to try and find it to use”. That was that, no chance of ever using it again – lesson learned, the hard way!


My right hand is dominant and if i have to cut my nails on my right hand it’s very difficult, but usually I file them, it’s only when they brake off I need to cut them.
Can’t play the guitar but I think that it would be difficult for me to use both of my hands.


Ambidextrous but I throw darts with my left hand . Write left handed but can write with both hands .

One thing that does puzzle me is could I play golf , you see i dont know which is my whacking side . I tried once and got all flummoxed and back to front

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Seems our dads had the same idea when it came to punishment for disobedience!


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