hallo..I'm seagull

Hallo. I have recently retired and find it boring.

I am looking forward to meeting everyone here.:slight_smile:

Hi and welcome!:slight_smile:

thank you.

Hi Mo and welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Retirement is fantastic … get out and about with your bus pass it’s the best thing ever :slight_smile:

Hi there Seagull. Welcome from a frosty Kent. Jump in and enjoy.

Thank you myrtle, I have limited funds though.:frowning:

Hi there Mo - I found you !
Welcome :slight_smile:

Thank you Patsy.

Hi Mo and welcome. What! Retired and bored! Didn’t think that was possible :lol:

Yes I am I feel like I am falling to pieces.

Hello and welcome from me too. :smiley:

Thank you Cheshire cat. XXX

Hi and welcome. You won’t be bored in here !!:smiley:

Are you related to the famous Jonathan Livingstone Seagull perchance ?:-D:-D

Hello Mo and welcome to the forum.

I’m retired and my days are so full I wonder how I managed while at work! True most of the time I’m at appointments of some sort, but the benefits of retirement are endless!

Enjoy your ‘you’ time.

Hello seagull, welcome…

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