
What hairspray do you use - if any?

I have tried many different brands but have still to find one that will keep my hair in place without making it feel like cardboard.

Hi Margaret :slight_smile: I don’t use hair spray very often just when going somewhere special.

I then use Elnett and have done so for many years.

Thanks Meg, I haven’t tried that one yet. My hair seems to have a mind of its own these days and never seems to stay as I want it!

Elnett for me too, Margaret.

Thank you Last Tango - one to give a try I think.

Elnett here as well, they do different strengths so check the can before buying…

Thanks Roxy - it does seem that Elnett is the one to buy!

I have used Elnett hairspray for years, but have recently discovered the Lidl one. Cien (gold spray can and done in varying strengths). I’ve found it excellent and at less than £1 for a large can it must be 80% cheaper than the Elnett, which, although good, is expensive IMO.

I have used Elnett for years… :slight_smile:

I rarely use hair spray, but Elnett for me too if I have to.

Margaret, they have ‘Strong Hold’, ‘Normal Hold’ and maybe aother one, not sure.
I find the Normal does it enough for me, but I guess it depends on what sort of hair and what sort of style you have.

I have always use silvikrin.

Hey I remember my mum using Belair, wow that was sticky stuff lol

Thank you for the suggestions - I shall try Elnett I think and see if it works for me. At the moment I am using VO5 Invisible Firm Hold but it leaves my hair stiff and then sticky when I wash it.

I have short hair with a natural ‘wave’ which always seems to want to wave in the opposite direction to the style I like … :slight_smile: