
Morti, my sister is the far side of 55 and she’s not cut her hair in donkeys years Last I saw her it was waist length and had a good sprinkling of grey through it. Suits her just fine and like you she doesn’t take much notice of convention :slight_smile:

It does suit me. Great winter scarf and kind of provides handy curtains to pull across the face.
Not so good on a windy day though …

HAHAHAHA, Mort, that was so funny. I was scrolling down slowly thinking I was going to see what you look like, I spit my coffee all over my computer, laughing so hard. Good one !


Long hair is fine with me, even long grey hair.

It shows individuality and self confidence.

Just seen this thread.
Lovely hair Bratti, that is why I called you Repunzel:lol:
My hair is long blonde, both my Grandmother, and my Mother NEVER went grey. Same with me - odd!
But then I am odd at times.:smiley:

Hi Bratti,

I just took a pic of my mukluks that I promised I would show you. Let me know if they are the same as yours…

Also, is there anywhere else I can buy the spray for my hair?
I can’t get to walmart for a while. Would you mind posting the pictures of the spray again so I can copy it…thanks :hug:

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Bad hair experience. Almost every time I go to a hairdresser I call it a bad experience. She NEVER does what I tell her to do, even if I take a picture, she finds a reason why she can’t do it like that.

The last time I went to the hairstylist, (about 2 months ago, it cost me $250.00 for a cut, highlights and style). I don’t know about any of you, but I find that outrageous and I am not going to do it again. I have a friend who goes right downtown (Toronto) and she pays $500.00 every time…she goes every second month. She goes to Vidal Sasoon, so I guess they are a little pricier than the rest, but still, it is terrible that the hairstylists are getting away with this…

Most people I know don’t like it when they get their hair done. I walk out feeling terrible and want to hide my head.

So, I have to make some changes…

See ya Bratti !!! :mini:


I think I must be mean. I spend less than £50 on my hair for the year. I only have it wet cut about 4 times a year. I can’t imagine spending $250 in one go, let alone $500. Mind you, just for once I would like to go into the hairdresser, have the works and come out liking it. Unfortunately it’s never going to happen.

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Thank you Adanac, I’m so sorry you have had to cut your hair due to an injury. That must have been so difficult. Gratitude goes a long way doesn’t it.

Isn’t going all natural grey liberating ?While I loved my coloured hair, after a while I felt like a slave to it.
Your hair sounds lovely! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you Areolor. You certainly sound more adventurous with your hair than I have. It’s hard finding a good trusting hair dresser . Good luck. Thanks for commenting.


Hey Blue,
I didn’t know you survived cancer. Well congratulations . I was hoping you’d post pics of your hair. :090:
Luckily you posted cute pics of your Muklucks! Sweet!

Thanks Mortica and yes it’ has at times gotten caught in my pants. Right now it only 35 inches but it’s been about 43-44 inches before. It gets caught in everything; from car doors to other peoples shirt buttons :blush: Oh the places this hair has been :twisted:

Well it at least sounds like you have a good sense of humour about it. Lol!

This is too funny. I almost spit my drink out also. :lol:

Thank you:mrgreen:

Thanks Sweetie Pie
Never went grey. Yep you ARE odd.:069:


You have killer mukluks Blue. I LOVE those but mine aren’t mukluks. Tomorrow I’ll take a pic of mine.
I will add a picture of the temporary colours but I don’t know where else to purchase them apart from Walmart. I tried Guardian Drugs and Shoppers Drug Mary and neither carried it.
You might find it elsewhere though.

$250 a shot?:shock:
My sister-in-law who lives in Oakville spends $300 each time she gets her hair done which is every 6 weeks but then again, she can afford it :-p

The last time I went to a hair dresser was in 2011. I don’t trust them . I self trim .The longer it gets the easier it is to trim.

Ok Blue… I can’t post the temporary hair colour pics because it says I already used it for another thread. What the …?
We can also use a picture once here?:confused:
I’ll retake a photo and post it tomorrow.
Later girl!

AND none of you posted pics of your hair!!!:102:

            Shicken chits ! :091:

My hair is such a mess, I don’t like letting it grow long now it’s mostly grey, but cannot yet face the agony of having anything done that would involve someone else touching my head. (Washing, brushing or combing it myself bad enough.)

Ok Blue darling
The boots I was wearing were my Tommy Hilfigers.
Sweet huh? My favourite thing about these boots is that they were 75% off. :mini:

Here is a picture of my bestie on our “ladies night out.”
We did a wine & painting event last month and I splashed some blue in her cute, sexy , short do. Is it not the cutest?

Oh and look! I have on those boots too. :lol:

You aren’t mean Aerolor, you are smart. I was so upset when I spent $250.00 for one hair appointment…never again.

Bratti, I can’t get the picture because I am banned from that thread…so if you can’t post it here, that is ok, I will find out some other way.

I only coloured my hair once, it was orange in the front, and I did take a picture, but I don’t know where it is now. I will post some pictures when I get the spray…

Are they the boots you were wearing when someone took a picture of you from behind, walking down the snowy road?
I think you had a double braide.

You must be up north…I used to living in Gananoque…("Water Rising over Rocks” or “Garden of the Great Spirit”)

Vanity about my looks is definitely not one of my vices. As long as I am clean and tidy that is fine by me.

Also I did the sell the hair toys on Etsy! I sold over 300 items in a two years period so have lots of photos to show how they worked. I’ll include some of them.

Blue! Yes I know about you being banned in that section but due to the forum rules I am not allowed to discuss it.
What I was saying was that once you have used a picture for one thread you can’t use it for another. The forum itself won’t let you. It has nothing to do with you dear. I retook another photo for you.

The boots I have on in the picture were my Merrells which aren’t high tops. You must have been referring to the leggings I had on perhaps; although they weren’t furry at all. :lol:

For Blue!

Here it is Blue. The temporary hair colours.
I only use this to colour small sections in my hair within my bangs or fringe , usually to match my nail polish or whatever I’m wearing that day. It takes maybe two minutes. Doing my hair up in a bun takes less than 60 seconds.

Hi Bratti, my beautiful friend…

I was showing my son your hair, and all your pictures. He said “I’d date her”, hahahaha…he’s a flirt. He loves long hair on a woman, like a lot of men do.

Thanks for posting the picture of the colours, now I have it on my computer so I don’t lose it. I will find it somewhere in my area without going downtown Toronto…

I have no idea what confused me with the Mukluks, but I am a “confused person” sometimes, hahaha, no big deal.

Please tell me Bratti, I need your suggestion.

I have light skin, I have freckles…I am an older lady, but you think that doesn’t matter, and I agree…

I want to start with two colours on the top and side, what two colours do you think would look good on me?
I had orange, and that really suited me.
I would like to try something else now.

And, don’t you let that bother you…been there, don’t that!!

Hey Blue,
Tell your son ‘thank you’ . I’m flattered.:blush:
Most men love long hair is right.

It’s difficult to suggest anything since I haven’t seen your hair.
What was your original colour?
In general you don’t want to have too harsh a colour too close to your face . Since these are temporary I use whatever is going to match what I’m wearing. For instance if I have on purple I will use a bit of purple and pink but just a streak. I’ll do my hair with some after I take my dogs for a walk and show you. I’ll try and show you what all the colours look like on silver / grey hair.

The gold and rose gold are nice colours to have because they are neutral based. but showing you would best.

So I’m just going out now but I’ll be back around 1:30 / 2:00 ish and post some more pics.

BTW Blue… you’re awesome.:hug: