Hair and chemo and to wig or not

Sorry for snipping your post Julie…

Tut … don’t berate yourself for wanting to look good and feel better for it, you dafty! And as for being a ‘terrible person caring about this’ Leave it out lass, utter hogwash. Bad girl!

If you’re friends are missing of late, that’s their loss. :cool:

Some brilliant ideas on here for you on those websites. I could see you in a blue wig funnily enough :smiley:

Why not a combination of them all ie wig, scarves and hat with weaves attached? You can take your pick then. Ok the wig will cost more, but you can make the scarves if you don’t want to buy them. Could you save some of your hair to combine with them too?
After all, winter is round the corner, you might need something more than cotton scarves to keep your head warm.

Fun stuff would be good to suit your personality :wink:

Julie, when I lost all my hair, through Chemo, I had a wig which was free from my cancer hospital. I wore it from August to December and only found it uncomfortable on very hot days.

My own hair had been waist length so the new style of very short hair, that had grown by January, was a pleasant change for me as I had long hair all of my life.
As it grew back people were surprised at how quickly it grew, and it was so soft and silky that I decided to let it grow long again.
Do what you feel most comfortable with, because a few months without hair is nothing when you look back on it.

I do like Megs idea of marching scarves and skirts though.:slight_smile:

Makes sense what Twink has just said about only finding her wig uncomfortable on very hot days, and don’t forget we are coming into a much colder season now, so you might find one alright Julie.

My long-standing friend who cuts my hair for me, it used to be her job helping ladies get the right wigs after chemo. She is coming to do my hair for me next Wednesday, so I will talk to her for you and ask if they modern ones are hot to wear.

Any thing you want me to ask her Julie, let me know before Wednesday.

It’s really just how hot they are, I’m a hot sweaty mess at times I dint want to make that worse, but I’m definetly erring on the side of comfy scarves and a wig when I want to look different.

On cold days I found that my wig was a joy, and I didn’t need to wear a hat. On the days where you feel " I look awful" the wig is a quick easy way to give you a boost because it tends to frame your face.
Whatever you do Jules, do it for yourself rather than what others expect of you, because your family would still love you even if you turned purple with green spots!:lol:

Well we had a laugh about it last night, my husband said he had the answer, came in an plonked his deer stalker hat on my head and offered me the pipe the kids bought him a few years ago as a joke. :mrgreen:

It’s great you are all embracing this with humour still!! :smiley:

Personally? I would go for scarves, rather than a wig. I get hot all the time so don’t think I could bear it for long periods. Head scarves could be cooler.