Gumbud Leisurely Scribbles (part 1)

keep ya fingers crossed and ya ceramics Pug- when I knocked around the hospitals years ago in Uk it was not uncommon for patient/nurse romances to happen - always male to female in those days.

are they serving chicken kiev on the menu - imagine served chicken kiev by the chick from kiev - magical. you could also ask for a russian balalaika with chips perhaps?

There was a young thing from Kiev
Who visited me daily in bed
She would wash me all over
Made me blush, scream by gova
and did amazing things with me leg!!

nite chums

Goodnight RJ.

I’m off to bed soon, think I’ve got Influenca.

This ‘English Comp’ is a strange language,bro;
I’m doing my best to master it though.
I’ll keep chopping back weeds with my literary hoe,
until I earn my degree from the stuff what I know.

I’ve nearly achieved it-soon I’ll break through.
It’s an interest that hopefully will gain me a ‘blue’.
I’m surprised other people aren’t fascinated too,
when they look at the things we make English words do.

Take ‘doe’,dough’ and doh!’ -and they’re just for example
One sound but three spellings-and that’s just a sample.
Or perhaps you prefer the words ‘through’ ‘grew’ and ‘blue’?
Once more three spellings-but they’re just one sound,too.

Then,of course,we have the ‘same spelling,different sound’.
I’m pretty sure you know some,coz they’re all around.
The old standard favourites are ‘dough’ ‘though’ and ‘bough’,
…but I’m boring you…so we won’t go into that now[!]

well had that once too but that’s the Spanish version Influenca! - and you can only get it in Barthelona

I prefer the germanic Influenza!

you are doing remarkable well under the tutelage of an U Crane knee an nurse! - is she teaching you the proper Queens English [no not that sort of Queen you silly fellow!]

keep asking for the full bed bathes - can’t beat a good scrub of the balls as my golf chum keeps telling me!

Why do they all think I’m scary
Because my legs are too long?
Or is it because I’m quite hairy
Now how can that be so wrong!?

I’d love to run round and play
Yet I’m forced to be a good hider
So I live in the cupboard all day
Well, such is the life of a spider.

Very creative poems Pug and Mart, I enjoyed them, fair play to you.

Tough learning the English language ain’t it, we used to have our own uncomplicated language until you lot put a stop to that.:smiley:

I’m always surprised when people shorten words and sentences in an effort to save time, or is it really to sound trendy? Looking at another US detective series last night the police captain says to a detective “Tell ‘em down at the Lab we want the report on the murder weapon A.S.A.P.” I repeated it in my head ‘As soon as possible’ then said Ay Ess Ay Pee, only one syllable in the difference! Now if the detective didn’t know what A.S.A.P meant the captain would have to explain it to him taking up more time, and all because he couldn’t say a few simple words in the first place. My friend in Kerry would not tolerate that, he would let out at the captain “Are you calling me A SAP?”
If I can think of anything else that irks me I’ll be sure to let you all know.;-):smiley:

Of course you will Mups.
Actually it’s all part of a secret plan to try to lure Twizard out, I intend to wait until all the patchy bits join up to form one splendid display of silvery finesse that would put her beloved Brian Blessed to shame.:lol:

This thread has been split part 2 here…