Guilty, Until Proven Innocent, Becoming The Forum Norm?

I will give one I frequently post on about children who been murdered by cruel parents .This is a heinous crime.
These come from news items reported in the press .Slander Is only slander if iits NOT TRUE .Sadly none of these cases have been found to be untrue.



There have been miscarriages of justice in the past.

Fortunately Forensic Science is getting better by the day.

It is however not 100% perfect, especially with the very young.


Surely something is “Not True”, legally, unless you can prove that it’s true?


It is somewhat more complicated than that.

In a Jury System, such as we have in England, the Jury can find that the evidence is correct, but they can still produce a verdict of Not Guilty.

Scotland is somewhat different, they have a not proven option.

What about morally and ethically ?
To say nothing of the the unheard voice of an abused child .

When a baby has 57 broken bones that have started to heal and it’s head bashed in it’s pretty sure it hasn’t ‘ fallen off the sofa ‘ .
Having raised three children I can honestly say that no child dies from falling off the sofa .