Ground coffee

I’ve just had a coffee machine & my first choice of ground coffee isn’t nice - I had no idea what to buy & I just picked it up in the supermarket because I recognised the name - it’s Costa & has a burnt taste. Don’t like it at all!

I wondered if anybody could suggest a really nice ground coffee?


I like sainsbury’s taste the difference Kenyan blend or Lavazza. Ref lavazza I was grinding from the coffee beans. I’d say that grinding beans gives you the best sensory experience. But it is high maintenance.

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I don’t like ground coffee Carol - it can go mouldy, I prefer coffee beans. I bought a cheap grinder from JL for £25:

And so I buy whole beans and then just grind what I need - that keeps the beans fresh and how you grind them can impact the taste.

I drink only small amounts of freshly ground coffee so I’m no “connoisseur” but I always buy beans from Booths (who still roast their own) and use my Spong No 1:

Then, of, course, there is the matter of making the coffee - because I drink freshly ground coffee only on occasion I tend to favour the pour-over method:

which can be as simple, or as complicated, as I wish … :coffee:

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I used to get my beans from Whittards.

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I grind my own beans, as Azz mentioned you can grind as much or as little as you like, I keep mine in the fridge to keep it extra fresh. It’s dark roast for extra flavour, sometimes adding a couple of whole green cardamom pods to the electric mill just to make it a little more interesting.

As for the best supplier the jury’s still out on that one Carol.

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Some “Italian” coffees compared by Which?:

Best cheap ground coffee you can buy at the supermarket

Our consumer taste test of 12 Italian-style ground coffees, including brands such as Taylors of Harrogate, Illy and Lavazza as well as supermarket offerings from Aldi, Tesco and more reveals the coffees to seek out.

We uncovered some top supermarket options, including cheap and cheerful coffees from Asda and Lidl, as well as which big brand is worth plumping for. Read on to see our top picks and the best cheap options.

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Hello @carol, just checked my cupboards to see if I had an extra bag. Unfortunately, I opened it and put it in my big glass storage jar.

However, let’s not panic. I usually buy the white packet Colombian with a number 3 flavour/strength and always from Lidl. The second one I get from time to time, is Bellarom ground coffee in the gold packet from Lidl again.

Those two are my regular ones. Occasionally, I’ll get their Espresso ground coffee when I want an extra jolt of caffeine in my filter coffee machine. Nothing fancy, it’s Cookworks from Argos but it last and last, great machine with a digital display and a programmable timer.

If you dislike the taste of some ground coffee, add a pinch of salt to your grounds before running your coffee machine. Makes a heck of a difference.


Hope this helps and for instant coffee, I buy Bellarom Classic and Gold which I blend equally in my instant coffee jar.


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In a hurry I picked up a bag of coffee beans while shopping , then I opened them without checking the packet and I don’t have a grinder . I’ve asked friends but neither do they. I’m reluctant to throw a whole packet of lovely coffee beans into the bin . I don’t want to buy a grinder just for one packet .

How can I grind/crush these coffee beans to use in my cafetiere


Proline - Can you grind coffee beans without a grinder?

Table of Contents

Yes, you can grind coffee beans without a grinder. You can use a blender or food processor if you don’t want to grind them by hand. To grind beans by hand, use a hammer, mortar and pestle, hand mincer, or rolling pin. With each of these methods, you can make the grind as fine or coarse as you want.

All of these methods can produce a coarse grind.

  • Blender – coarse, medium
  • Food Processor – coarse, medium
  • Rolling Pin – coarse, medium, fine
  • Mortar and Pestle – coarse, medium, fine, super fine
  • Hammer – coarse, medium
  • Hand Mincer or Garlic Press – coarse, medium

You’ve opened a can of worms now, Carol!

Coffee can be a minefield, real coffee drinkers can be picky🤣

But if you don’t want to start roasting and grinding etc, I really like Taylor’s if Harrogate Rich Italian from Tescos! It’s nice and deep and “coffee -ey” if you know what I mean :wink:

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Yup that’s 3 choices to grind coffee beans without a grinder.

E-How is the best website for emergency DIY :+1:


I don’t like the look of the immersion blender method… there’s bits of coffee flying here there and everywhere!

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It’s hard to go past Nescafe Blend 43.

My kids have these daft machines that grind the beans, heat the water, drip brown liquid into a cup, steam heat the milk. What a load of a fuss and palaver when all you want is a cup of coffee. By the time it is ready you have forgotten why you wanted it.

For a delicious cup of coffee - three quarters of a mug of cold water, teaspoon of Nescafe’s finest blend, top up with milk, good stir followed by two minutes in the microwave.



How common!!!
I’m with you on the overly fancy coffee machines Bruce :wink:

I’m happy with one of these.


I actually have a old coffee peculator but the coffee you buy in the supermarket or Gloria Jeans is ground too fine and some always falls through the holes in the coffee container bowl thingy.

Anyway Nescafe is nice when I am too lazy to make tea.


Yep… joking aside there’s always a place for a jar of instant. :+1:

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Pour-Over Coffee (Single Serve)



Nothing complicated for me either lol!

I remember my first coffee machine I bought. Mr Coffee filter machine back in 1978. Mother’s percolator had died a noble death. 25 years of age. Gosh I always missed that funky bubble at the top lol!

My current filter machine

Never liked NESCAFE. Myself and Father loved Maxwell House instant.

Who remembers (since we’re talking delicious coffees) the shop called Second Cup. Back on my working days, a cup of Vanilla flavoured or Hazelnut. Ooh those were good…

Nowadays, I use CAMP Essence if I want an inexpensive frosty coffee at home


I have one of these to save the planet - but hard to source manual grinders now
