This is the start of summer 2020, and it will be different. It is interesting to see how creative people have been with this stay at home request! Amazing!!!
Yes, some people and businesses have come up with some very creative social distancing measures. Have a great Memorial Day.
Hello Walking3 a very warm welcome to Over50sForum…
Hi Walking
Hi Walking and a happy Memorial day to you and yours. Welcome to the forum.
And, speaking of creativeness I believe it was in Texas they held a graduation ceremony at a driving race track for a few different HS schools, all seated on the track, in gap and gown, keeping their distance and parents watching from a huge screen while in their cars. Lots of cheers!
Thank you for the welcome. This new for me. Had no idea how much there is on this forum. I’m browsing through it all.
Hello! Thank you for the welcome. I’m browsing the site, there’s so much on this forum! Yikes!
Hello! Thank you for the welcome. I’m browsing the site…there’s a lot of dialogue on this forum. Who knew.
Hi walking3 and welcome, hope you enjoy your time on Over50sForum.
What a pleasure it is for you to meet me on here.
The Village Idiot
Welcome Patricia and a good Memorial Day to you.
Welcome to the forum from here , far away in the South Pacific!
Greetings to you from Sydney on your memorial day.