Graham Linehan's 'unwoke' show axed by Edinburgh venue due to views

Graham Linehan’s ‘unwoke’ show axed by Edinburgh venue due to views Graham Linehan's 'unwoke' show is axed by the Edinburgh Fringe over the Father Ted creator's stance on gender issues | Daily Mail Online

The mistake they made was advertising it as un-woke. RIP Comedy! :roll_eyes:


All of the woke greenies holier than thou brigade really pi$$ me off and then some🤬


@LongDriver yes the ones who try to edit the past (eg. Roald Dahl) could find a lot worse if they were to try, rather than jump on a bandwagon. Pretty sure Titus Andronicus needs editing! :joy:


The past cannot be changed no matter how much the woke brigade wish and try. They should either accept the fact or shut the #### up!! Geez, they sure do irritate me and mine🤬


I wonder what these people would do when they’d edited and censored everything and there was nothing left to censor and edit?

Ah…get a life perhaps, nah I doubt it :wink:


@Chilliboot not sure if even they believe their own nonsense. They just like to be noticed and feel important. Rather like the one kid at every school that came dressed as a goth :laughing:


I read that there were two factors not fully noted in the Mail’s article. One was partly noted but with the phrase “standing up to transgender activists”. Actually he has been quite active in promoting anti-trans and anti-gender identity views. Second, the venue regularly hosts drag acts. I think you can see how the two things do not sit comfortably together.

@Lincolnshire safe to say that Jim Davidson is not booked anytime soon then :wink::sweat_smile:


I suppose any venue are entitled to decide if an act is the sort of thing they want in their premises, though?

If their regular, day to day custom include drag acts you can understand them not wanting to offend their regular trade with a one off act?

Who was it who said about freedom of speech
something like……

“You can say whatever you like but I don’t have to lend you my megaphone to do it” ?

I didn’t know he did stand up comedy.It’s sad to see someone who co wrote some funny sit coms turn out to be such a nasty bigot.

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He is a super smart, very funny man. Heard him on the radio today. 'Unwoke' comedy gig SAVED! New venue steps in for show as Graham Linehan blasts cancel culture

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I suppose the questions asked could be simple ones like " when does poking fun at say physically challenged peoples [dwarfs] or “gender challenged people” cease to be funny and moves into the realm of degradation and legal slander"? comedy has always walked a thin line in all realms of life that is why good comedy is very good - but taking the “piss” about other people and their lifestyles and beliefs isn’t imo?

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