although my panasonic HC-X1500 camcorder doesn’t have a seperate stills switch facility as such it has another trick up its sleeve.
When running the playback the frames can be slowed down or stopped and a camera sign shows up. By putting a finger over this camera sign it turns yellow showing a picture has been taken of that frame
Above is totally unedited of the result straight from the camcorder playback @0.08 seconds in the video. Focus was on the concrete drink bowl
Thanks Realspeed.
A lot of the time I have no idea what you are talking about.
When I do understand my photos have improved vastly thanks to you.
I may even get to beginner status in time.
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always here to help if I can;
In the above video I should have sub titled it to " Too slow mate don’t prance about you loose out"
I just stop a video and do a screenshot realspeed…

sceen shots are ok for quickness agree, no arguement there.
another photographic site member raise the issue of getting a still from a video with his camera so decided worth discussion on here as well
Thinking along your way OGF. Now getting a bit technical , that would means get the computer to play the video - freeze the video to grab a screen shot using the computer- then locate it within the computer memory (possible on screen already)- display it on a monitor. Doing all this must degrade a photo somewhat it can’t be avoided. When I do it this way usually have to edit to get it back to original. alternative is to recalibrate a computer. A lot of processes to go through.A computer is not designed to be a camera.
So to cut all that out and get better picture straight away I find is let the camcorder do the work first. The camcorder plays back the video on its own playback facility built in, even down to frame by frame speed , then stop the video in the camcorder and grab the shot. From there it can go straight onto the computer monitor, or even without a computer just the monitor . This I would have thought straight away would produce a “cleaner” photo as in above example. show up more in 4K
You way for speed yes every time, the above way for better original quality
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