Got my new passport today

Our passports ran out last March, and apart from refusing the vaccinations, I have since been fitted with an ICD (pacemaker/defibrillator) which will make travel insurance extremely expensive, so I doubt we will be renewing them. There are lots of beautiful places in the UK that we have not visited yet, so at 71 the world might not be my oyster anymore, but the British Isles most certainly are…

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There is a possibility that I, too, of necessity may be fitted with a pacemaker.
However, I had no idea that that would increase the price of travel insurance. On the other hand, although Marge would like to travel abroad again, I’d be happy to remain in this country as there is still so much which remains to be seen and experienced.
I have a feeling that a compromise may be in the offing: a trip abroad if we can afford it!

Of course, I’m a much more youthful 69!

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I think turning 70 progresses a person onto the next level of travel insurance JB, I think the cost of travel insurance goes up as landmark ages are reached. 70 - 75 - 80 and so on, and then any medical problems are added to this.
We love going to Guernsey each year and we would require a passport for that journey, but thanks to covid, the hotel we have always stayed at has closed down and been sold. So many old friends turned up each year when we would catch up with family news but I fear we will no longer see them again.

Which dna site did you use Art? I think we had some threads about this but a while back.

But if you want to go to Ireland I assume there are no travel restrictions/visas with a British passport?

Annie, My brother used ‘MyHeritage’ DNA site.

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Thanks Art would you recommend it? There are too many sites, so bewildering. Is my heritage the one where you find people related to you?

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Both my sisters have always had Irish passports. They used to get frisked, or questioned quite a lot in U.K. airports. Especially, my younger sister who lives in Spain.

No, l don’t think there are any restrictions for visiting Ireland but it’s probably better to have an Irish Passport now that we’ve left the EU.

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It was my brother who did the test because apparently you get more results from the male in the family.
That site was recommended by quite a few people and l think it was a good price before Christmas when he did it. It also allowed him free access for a short time to the Ancestry site, where he got loads of information that he hadn’t already got from his previous searches.
He was even able to home in on gravestones in graveyards where either relatives or people we knew were buried.
He did get notifications of close matches but they were relatives that we know of.

I apologise for taking this thread off course.

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So you even need a passport to go to the Channel Islands? And no doubt increased insurance.
A shame.

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why do we need a passport for the channel islands? :exploding_head:

Why indeed?

I reckon we should make passports compulsory for Yorkshire.
What’s good for them is good for us.

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You need to expand on what you mean by that - to leave or enter?

To enter, of course. You have to remember that it is called God’s County for a reason.

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Well even if you are flying to Scotland you need photo id on easy jet.

Do you need a passport to fly to Scotland with Easyjet? – SidmartinBio

WE should demand that Scots apply for visas if they want to visit England. :roll_eyes:

We don’t.

“Guernsey and Jersey are part of the CTA or Common Travel Area, which is included in the UK.
In both destinations there is no requirement to carry a passport as there are no immigration controls in place, however a form of photographic identification is required.”

As Galty has pointed out ruthio, they won’t let you on the plane without a passport. Although no one has asked to be shown our passport upon arrival in Guernsey or Jersey, you need one to board the plane to come home. It’s probably a requirement of the British border control because nobody at this end looks at them either. Unless you get your collar felt at customs that is…

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