Good morning Weds 13th

Good morning everybody.

I’m meeting my walking friend Chris this morning at the mill town of Belper. Unfortunately due to my trapped nerve we won’t be walking far.
The doctor gave me some nerve tablets on Monday but they don’t seem to be working. She did say start on a low dose & build up so I live in hope…

We plan a stroll by the river gardens followed by lunch & a browse round the shops.

It’s daughter Sues birthday today so when I get back from Belper, Tony & I will have a walk over to her house.
Unfortunately her partner Nick has covid so it looks like a meeting outside on her patio. I don’t want to go anywhere near him!

Have a good day all. :blush:

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Morning everyone

Sorry you are still in pain Carol…I hope the nerve tablets work as you increase the dose.

Window installers are back here today.and probably tomorrow too…they look great so far.

Have a good day all

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Good morning folks,

It is very hot here today! A high of 30 degrees Celsius!

Traffic and a wonderful baking in my car while I work awaits me :roll_eyes:

Have a blessed day folks!

Morning everyone, another sunny but very chilly morning here - heating is on, and the gas fire in the living room!

No plans for today, so I’ll just see how it rolls.

Have a good day everyone :blush:

Good morning all, chilly here but a fine day in forecast methinks… :sunglasses:

I’m planning to build a canopy over the bedroom window and I’m going to make a start on it in the workshop later, so that should keep me busy for and hour or two.

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

we need pictures…l love to see your work and how it progresses :slight_smile:

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Good morning, awl!
It’s a lovely fresh morning - sorry Minx…:frowning:
We will stroll the dogs then I have a few chores. The grass cutting and then a plumbing job - the bathroom pipe is clogged and, of course, it means me lying in the floor. A challenge…

Bloody awful day, wet and miserable, might as well live in England. :wink:

Maybe @summer , we’ll see how it goes when I decide how to do it, but where are all the pictures of your own renovations may I ask?.. :wink:

Good morning everyone :grinning: dull and damp here

My laptop is playing up , I need to do some reading to see if I can fix it.
I have a nasty feeling it is on its last legs…

Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning everyone…I am really poorly this morning. Its a tummy bug that is going around and Mr P had it for a couple of days, and now I have it. Can’t tolerate anything but water and puppy cuddles at the moment. Such a waste of time being sick…I have things to do :cry: Have a lovely day everybody.

Sorry you are not feeling well @PixieKnuckles. Are you posting from the loo :joy::zipper_mouth_face::innocent: (just kidding). Get well soon :+1:

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Aw, sorry you’re poorly Pixie. Get well soon. x

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Good morning everyone :slight_smile:


Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: overcast at the moment but sunny intervals forecast for later.

Present wrapping today, it will be our son and daughter’s birthday next Wednesday, unfortunately on our daughter’s chemo treatment day. Hopefully our son will visit us the day before and he will be able to see her.

Enjoy your day folks :slightly_smiling_face:

@PixieKnuckles …. Sorry you’re not feeling well Pixie, I hope you’ll feel better soon.

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Afternoon all.

Get well soon, Pixie.

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I hope you feel better soon Pixie.

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Ha! I’m still boring folks with my new house new project thread…you will notice I didn’t do a close up of the door I just renovated…:slight_smile:

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Certainly doesn’t bore me @summer I think you are doing a cracking job… :+1:

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