I’ve had quite a busy time this morning. The first order of business was to cut some branches and twigs that I had pruned over the weekend into sizes that fitted in my green bin (bin day tomorrow).
Then I wanted to look at a collection of vapes that my son had saved for me from his ship.
I dismantle them and save the battery because it is always a lithium cell which is really handy for little projects, approx 4volts is such a handy value. These are now even better - because of the federal ban on disposable vapes these are all rechargeable so not only will I get a battery out of them I hope I will also be able to retrieve the battery management system ie their charger and protection chip.
Even though they are now rechargeable they are still discarded because of the effort required to refill them with the vape liquid, they are not made to be dismantled easily. Obviously it is more profitable for big tobacco if you buy a new one when the old one is empty rather than refill it.
Anyway, that is a job I hope to start this arvo without setting fire to the house. I will have my fire proof metal basting dish nearby just in case!
Good morning everyone, my first thoughts are for all the population of Florida, awaiting another monster hurricane. I hope and pray for @Surfermom and everyone, may they all come through this safe and sound.
That’s a brilliant idea Bruce, you could cobble a few together either in series or parallel and make a decent power supply. I’ve just bought 4 rechargeable AA’s for £13… so they are not cheap. In other news…
It’s been raining so hard for the last few hours the Tesco car park was flooded, and also many of the roads around town. There were queues of traffic everywhere with people turning back or trying to avoid the sometimes deep water lining the sides of every road.
Being a rest day I can now watch it through the window…
Glad I don’t have a dog, they keep walking past the house with their wellies and Souwesters…
The people are well covered as well…
Yes, my son-in-law uses vapes. Not my thing. At the moment it it is not raining so we will walk down to The Roman Road with the wee dog. Then we have a new computer delivered.
Afternoon all – no more rain (at the moment) the sun is even trying to break through – but with little success.
Thoughts and prayers are with Surfermom and everyone else in Florida
Beast didn’t eat breakfast this morning but went straight out – I was worried about her not eating so let her back in after an hour
The physio appointment went well yesterday, very thorough. He was even able to find the results of a blood test I had a couple of months ago which the receptionists at the usual practice couldn’t find! Confirmed I have arthritis but it isn’t too bad. Gave me some exercises to do which should help. He did say he thought my general flexibility was good – then spoiled it by adding for my age!!
The appointment was at a different surgery from my usual one (they are still closed due to the heating breaking down!), found my way there OK but got completely lost on the way back
It’s been a really tough week for me, and I’ve been in a difficult space after the tragic loss of a colleague.
The circumstances surrounding it weren’t easy, and it’s been weighing heavily on me. The pace of this rat race is overwhelming, and as we approach the end of the year, things are only getting more hectic with stress levels running high.
Tomorrow is World Mental Health Awareness Day, and it’s a reminder for all of us to take care of our mental health—it’s just as important as our physical well-being, yet often overlooked.
I gave up smoking cigarettes many years ago and I smoked about 15+ a day for years. Hard? you bet it was. I had a bad cold so couldn’t smoke anyway for a few days. then i thought to myself “if I can stop for the past few days why not a few more” . It was an internal battle between body saying yes and brain saying no. took about 3 years to gt the need out of my system and everyday was a fight. Got offered cigarettes and said no .
It is all down to a question of will power and bloody determination to stop and it ain’t easy, what with getting the withdrawal shakes and seeing others smoke.
No it is this vaping thing that is supposed to help give up but as far as i can tell it is just another drug going into the body conning people they are giving up smoking.